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Učinkovita veriga oskrbe s hrano ter ohranjanje naravnih virov ob učinkovitem upravljanju ekosistemov so nujni za zadostitev potreb rastočega svetovnega prebivalstva. Navkljub vsem dosedanjim ukrepom vrtnarska industrija letno proizvede ogromne količine odpadkov. V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočila predvsem na rastlinske odpadke, nastale pri proizvodnji oziroma pridelavi vrtnin, med katere uvrščamo tako tržne kot tudi netržne dele posameznih vrtnin. Razlike v količini ostankov so vidne že pri posameznih vrstah zelenjave, spravilu in delu sezone. Največ ostankov nastane v sredini sezone, ko je pridelek največji. V povprečju na polju ostane 0,35 kg odpadka na rastlino. Vzrokov za izgube je veliko, pri tem najbolj izstopajo prilagodljivi škodljivci, bolezni, visoki standardi pri videzu zelenjadnic in nasploh povpraševanje ter specifikacije trga. Tako je malo verjetno, da bo ena rešitev popravila vse težave. Rešitev, ki deluje za pridelek, sorto, sistem gojenja in metodo spravila določene vrtnine, morda ne bo delovala za druge. V diplomski nalogi smo poskusili odgovoriti na vprašanja, kakšne so izgube pri pridelavi vrtnin, kako se te izgube lahko zmanjšajo, kakšna je ureditev z odpadki, ki nastanejo na obratih s pridelovanjem vrtnin. To satisfy the needs of the growing number of the world population, it is absolutely necessary to make the food supply chain more efficient and, at the same time, preserve the natural resources and manage the ecosystems adequately. Despite all adopted measures so far, the vegetable industry produces enormous amounts of waste over the year. In diploma thesis, we focused mainly on vegetable waste as a result of crop production, which consists of marketable as well as unmarketable crop parts. Differences in the quantity of waste produced are due to vegetable cultivars, harvest, and part of the season. For instance, most vegetable waste is produced in the middle of the season, where yield is at its peak. On average, 0.35 kg of waste is generated per plant. There are several reasons for such high waste: pests, diseases, high cosmetic standards, and market specifications are just to name a few. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that one quick fix would solve all the problems. A solution that works for a certain vegetable cultivar, production system, or harvest method, might not work for others. In my diploma thesis, we answered questions on the quantity of vegetable waste produce in vegetable production, how can the losses be reduced, and how vegetable waste, which is created in primary production, is handled with. |