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Elektronski šport je na prelomu tisočletja revolucioniral igričarski svet in mu odprl novo dimenzijo, iz katere je zrasla milijardna industrija. Mnogi so bili prepričani, da je e-šport že dosegel svoj vrhunec, toda številni organizirani dogodki v času pandemije COVID-19 so presegli prejšnje rekorde nagradnih skladov in gledanosti. Tako zaradi velikih denarnih vložkov, kot tudi zaradi velike priljubljenosti e-športa med mladimi tekmovalci in gledalci, je pravna in organizacijska ureditev e-športa danes nujna bolj kot kdajkoli prej. Magistrska naloga obravnava dve tesno prepleteni glavni temi. Prva je priznanje e-športa kot tradicionalni šport in njegova potencialna vključitev na olimpijske igre. Priznanje namreč omogoča vrsto poenostavitev pri njegovem pravnem in organizacijskem urejanju. Drugi del obravnava ukrepe posameznih držav in avtonomnih združenj ter pojasnjuje, zakaj je prihodnost pravnega in organizacijskega urejanja v poenotenju mednarodnih standardov in ne v nacionalnih ureditvah. Pri tem je skozi analizo različnih pravnih panog predstavljena sui generis narava industrije, v kateri so deležniki pogosto talci samovoljnih odločitev ustvarjalca videoigre, ki ima zaradi pravic intelektualne lastnine na ustvarjeni igri skorajda neomejeno moč. Poleg predstavitve posebnosti delovnega prava, kršitev integritete e-športa in varstva mladoletnih, so obravnavani tudi finančni vidiki ureditve e-športa, pri čemer se skozi prizmo konkurenčnega prava in instituta zlorabe prevladujočega položaja odpira možnost omejevanja moči razvijalca videoiger v prihodnosti. At the turn of the millennium electronic sports revolutionised the world of gaming and enabled it to grow into a billion euro industry. Many were convinced that the growth of eSports has already reached its climax, but many events that were organised in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic have proven them wrong, as many records of tournament prize pools and viewerships were broken. Large capital investments and the strong popularity of eSports among young players and spectators have made it clear that the necessity for law and governance regulation of the industry is more important than ever. The thesis explores two closely linked topics. The first one is the classification of eSports as a traditional sport and its potential inclusion in the Olympic games programme. The second part deals with the national and autonomous regulation of eSports and explains why the future of eSports law regulation is held in international standardisation of principles and not national regulations. The sui generis nature of eSports is presented through the analysis of different law areas such as employment law, the integrity of sports, protection of minors, and competition law. Since the video game developer has unlimited control over a certain eSports discipline due to his intellectual property rights over the game, the competition law can offer changes and limitations to the developers arbitrary actions through the institute of the abuse of a dominant position. |