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Internet stvari se pojavlja na številnih področjih, kjer je pomembno, da naprave komunicirajo med seboj in so povezane v internetnem omrežju. Glavni namen njegove uporabe je poenostavljeno opravljanje raznovrstnih nalog tako v industrjskem, kot tudi v domačem okolju. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena rešitev za spremljanje in analizo hladne verige s senzorskim sistemom za zajem in pregled podatkov. Uporabljena sta dva mikrokrmilnika Arduino in Raspberry Pi, ki sta trenutno med najbolj priljubljenimi. Pravzaprav sta to majhna računalnika, ki sestavljata prototip realiziranega senzorskega sistema. Arduino ima priklopljene senzorje za temperaturo, vlago ter gorljive pline in omogoča,da se ves čas delovanja izvajajo meritve in zbirajo podatki. Preko radio-frekvenčnega oddajnika ter sprejemnika jih nato pošilja na Raspberry Pi. Naloga slednjega je sprejemati podatke in jih s pomočjo enostavne aplikacije prikazati ali pa poslati na izbran elektronski naslov. Senzorski sistem omogoča spremljanje stanja ozračja (temperatura, vlaga, plini) v prostoru ali na prostem, kjer je bilo izvedeno tudi testiranje. Na podanih grafih je predstavljeno tudi spremljanje temperature in vlage v spremenljivih vremenskih razmerah ter zaznavanje plina (CO2). Internet of things appears in many fields where it's important that devices communicate to each other and are connected to the Internet. The main purpose of its use is to simplify various tasks in the industrial and home use. The diploma thesis presents a solution for monitoring and analyzing a cold chain with sensor system to capture and review collected data. Two microcontrollers, Arduino and Raspberry Pi are used, which are currently the most popular. In fact, these are two small computers that construct the prototype of the realized sensor system. Arduino has connected sensors for temperature, humidity and flammable gases and provides carrying out measurements during the system operation and collects data. By using radio-frequency transmitter and receiver it sends them to Raspberry Pi which receives data and using a simple application displays or sends them to selected e-mail address. Sensor system enables monitoring of the state of the atmosphere (temperature, humidity, gases) in the room or outdoors where testing has also taken place. On graphs it is also presented monitoring of temperature and humidity in various weather conditions and detection of gas (CO2). |