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Namen zaključne seminarske naloge je preučiti nastanek in strukturo Industrijsko poslovne cone Čeplje. Najprej je predstavljena lokacija in zgodovinski razvoj. V nadaljevanju je s pomočjo kritične analize in rezultatov terenskega dela predstavljeno današnje stanje v coni in njena struktura. Prevladujoča dejavnost le-te je danes trgovina. Zelo pomembna je tudi bližina avtoceste. V sami coni je velik delež zelenih površin in možnosti za širitev. This work aims to study the foundation and state of the Industrial business zone Čeplje. The location and history of its foundation are presented first. The following parts analyse, with the help of the fieldwork, the current state and the structure of the zone. Today, the zone is characterized mainly by the predominance of trade in the activity structure. The proximity of highway is of great importance. The zone itself has a large share of green space and opportunities for expansion. |