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Magistrsko delo obravnava postopke izdaje uporabnega dovoljenja v Slovenji, na Hrvaškem, v Avstriji in Združenem kraljestvu. V nalogi je zajet zgodovinski pregled zakonodaje na tem področju, obravnavan je ZGO-1, ki se je uporabljal od 1. 1. 2003 do 31. 5. 2018 ter GZ, ki se uporablja od 1. 6. 2018 dalje. Poleg tega, je bil namen naloge ugotoviti tudi, koliko se investitor, projektanti in nadzorniki, kot udeleženci pri gradnji, zavedajo pomena uporabnega dovoljenja in posledic, v kolikor gradnja ne sledi pogojem iz gradbenega dovoljenja. Z metodami in raziskovalnimi pristopi, kot so deskriptivna, analitična, komparativna ter metoda kompliacije in statistične metode, sem predstavila oba slovenska zakona ter gradbeno zakonodajo Hrvaške, Avstrije in Združenega kraljestva ter s pomočjo ankete preverjala še udeležence pri gradnji. Raziskava je pokazala, da se je kontrola zgrajenih objektov izvajala že v času Avstro – Ogrske monarhije ter da so se postopki skozi zgodovino spreminjali in prilagajali družbenemu sistemu. S študijo GZ je bilo ugotovljeno, da se slovenska zakonodaja približuje zahodnoevropski, v ospredje prihaja načelo odgovornosti udeležencev pri gradnji, predvsem sodelujočih strokovnjakov. Pokazalo se je tudi, da udeleženci pri gradnji zelo dobro poznajo postopek izdaje uporabnega dovoljenja ter posledic, kadar se zahteva za izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja zavrne. Prispevek teme magistrske naloge je v strnjenem in celovitem pregledu preverjanja skladnosti gradnje z izdanim gradbenim dovoljenjem ter njen razvoj skozi čas. S prispevkm bodo podane informacije, kako se lotiti postopka pridobivanja uporabnega dovoljenja. V nalogi je prvič obdelano področje izdaje uporabnega dovoljenja na podlagi GZ, ki se je pričel uporabljati z dnem 1. 6. 2018. The master thesis deals with the procedures for issuing a completion certificate in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and the United Kingdom. The task covers a historical overview of legislation in this area it deals with the ZGO-1, which was used from 1 January 2003 to 31 May 2018 and the GZ, which is in use from 1 June 2018 onwards. In addition, the purpose of the task was to determine how much the investor, designers and supervisors, as participants in the construction, are aware of the importance of the certificate and the consequences, in case the construction does not follow the conditions from the construction permit. With methods and research approaches, such as descriptive, analytical, comparative and method of complication and statistical methods, I presented both Slovenian laws and construction laws of Croatia, Austria and the United Kingdom, and also verified the participants in the construction with the help of a survey. The research showed that the control of the built objects was carried out already during the time of the Austro – Hungarian monarchy, and that the processes throughout history changed and adapted to the social system. The GZ study found that the Slovenian legislation is nearing the West European, the principle of responsibility of the participants in the construction, especially the experts involved, is coming to the forefront. It has also been shown that the participants in the construction process are very familiar with the procedure for issuing an completion certificate and the consequences when the request for the issuance of a valid permit is rejected. The contribution of the master's thesis theme is in a concise and comprehensive overview of the conformity of construction verification with the issued building permit and its development over time. With contributions, information will be provided on how to tackle the process of obtaining a completion certificate. This assignment tackles the area of issuing a completion certificate for the first time on the basis of GZ, which began to be used on 1 June 2018. |