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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen razvoj mobilne aplikacije. Na začetku smo poiskali že obstoječe podobne programske rešitve, nato pa sledi predstavitev teoretičnega ozadja za izračune, ki so bili kasneje implementirani v aplikacijo. Razvita je bila s pomočjo programskega orodja Android Studio, v programskih jezikih java ter kotlin. Po zasnovani arhitekturi sledi opis razvoja in delovanja posameznih aktivnosti v aplikaciji. S preizkusom v programu Excel smo se prepričali o pravilnem delovanju, rezultat dela pa je delujoča aplikacija za naprave z operacijskim sistemom Android, ki nam omogoča računanje varovanja tovora, voznodinamičnih lastnosti ter porazdelitvenega diagrama. Aplikacija ima tudi bazo podatkov, ki jo lahko uporabnik dopolnjuje sam. The final thesis presents the development of a mobile application. In the initial part we searched for existing similar software solutions. In the next part we present the theoretical background for the calculations, which were later implemented in the application. The application was developed with Android Studio software tool using Java and Kotlin programming languages. The description of the designed architecture is followed by the description of the development and the operation of individual activities in the application. Care was taken to verify the correct operation of the application by testing in Excel. The result is a working application for Android devices, which allows the user to calculate the cargo securing, the driving dynamics characteristics and the load distribution diagram. The application also includes a database that allows updating by the user. |