Lastnosti žakarskih pletiv za oblazinjeno pohištvo

Autor: Kovačič, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Zupin, Živa
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Lastnosti žakarskih pletiv za oblazinjeno pohištvo obravnava žakarska pletiva, ki bi jih lahko uporabili za dekorativne izdelke in oblazinjeno pohištvo, in njihove lastnosti. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil raziskati uporabne lastnosti dvofonturnih žakarskih pletiv z različno zadnjo stranjo pletiva in vpliv dodatka efektne preje na različne uporabne lastnosti pletiv. Žakarska pletiva so bila razvita od začetne vzorčne patrone, izdelane v programu Slikar, do izdelave simulacij v računalniškem programu CAD za simulacijo pletiv Yxendis. Po vzorčni predlogi smo na vzorčni postaji SDS izdelali program za izdelavo pletiv ter jih nato spletli na pletilniku Shima Seiki SES 122 RT z delitvijo 12 E. Izdelali smo šest različnih žakarskih pletiv s tremi različnimi zadnjimi stranmi oz. strukturami: črtasto zadnjo stranjo, keper zadnjo stranjo in v dubl strukturi. Tri pletiva smo spletli s predivno prejo iz mešanice 50 % volne in 50 % akrila, dolžinske mase 36 × 2 tex, trem pletivom smo dodali efektno prejo mešanice 60 % poliestera in 40 % poliaminda, dolžinske mase 20 tex. Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da bi bilo za oblazinjeno pohištvo najprimernejše pletivo s keper zadnjo stranjo in dodanima efektnima prejama, saj dosega dobre rezultate pri drgnjenju in pilingu ter pri pretržnem preizkusu doseže najvišje vrednosti sile in raztezka. V primerjavi s pletivi s črtasto hrbtno stranjo in dublom ter s pletivi brez dodanih efektnih prej je slabše zračno prepustno, toplotna prevodnost pa je približno enaka kot pri pletivih s črtasto zadnjo stranjo. Dodatek efektne preje vpliva predvsem na zbitost in gostoto pletiva ter s tem na prepustnostne lastnosti. Ugotovili smo, kako se izgled slikovne predloge spreminja z različno konstrukcijo žakarskega pletiva (strukturo hrbtne strani). Ugotovili smo tudi, kako različne konstrukcije žakarskega pletiva ter različne preje (dodatek efektne preje) vplivajo na fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti pletiv, kot so npr. zračna prepustnost, elastične lastnosti, pretržna sila in raztezek, toplotna prevodnost ter odpornost na drgnjenje in piling. Potrdili smo, da je struktura pletiv pomembna pri oblazinjenem pohištvu. The diploma thesis entitled Properties of jacquard knitted fabrics for upholstrey deals with jacquard knitted fabrics and their properties that can be used for decorative products and upholstered furniture. The aim of the work was to study the usage properties of double-bed jacquard knitted fabrics with different back side of the knitted fabric and the influence of adding fancy yarn on the different usage properties of knitted fabrics. The jacquard knitted fabrics were developed from the initial pattern created in the Paint program and from the creation of simulations in the computer program CAD for the simulation of Yxendis knitted fabrics. Using the pattern, we created a program to produce knitted fabrics on the pattern station SDS and then knitted them on the Shima Seiki SES 122 RT knitting machine with a gauge of 12E. We made six different jacquard knitted fabrics with three different back sides striped back, twill back and double back. Three knited fabrics were knitted with a yarn made of a blend of 50% wool and 50% acrylic, with a linerar density of 36 × 2 tex, and fancy yarn made of a blend of 60% polyester and 40% polyamide, with a linear density of 20 tex was added to three knits. The results of the analyzes show that the knitted fabric with twill back and added fancy yarn is the most suitable for upholstery, as it achieves good results in rubbing and piling and reaches the highest values in strength and elongation in the tear test. Compared to knitted fabrics with horisontal stripes back and double face and without the addition of fancy yarn, it is less permeable to air and the thermal conductivity is about the same as knitted fabrics with striped backs. The addition of fancy yarn mainly affects the compactness and density of the knitted fabric and thus the permeability properties. We found out how the appearance of the image pattern changes due to the different construction of the jacquard knit (the structure of the back). We also found out how different constructions of jacquard knitwear and different yarns (addition of fancy yarn) affect the physical and mechanical properties of knitted fabrics, such as air permeability, elastic properties, tensile strength and elongation, thermal conductivity, and resistance to abrasion and piling. We have confirmed that the structure of knitted fabrics is important for use in upholstered furniture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE