Delovnopravni položaj poklicnega nogometaša v Sloveniji
Autor: | Turšič, Eva |
Přispěvatelé: | Tičar, Luka |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
Sports Act
pravo in šport prikrito delovno razmerje elements of the employment relationship professional football player disguised employment poklicni nogometaš professional sportsman law and sports legal protection of workers labour law status of professional football players delovno razmerje elementi delovnega razmerja Zakon o športu delovnopravno varstvo poklicni športnik employment relationship delovnopravni položaj poklicnih nogometašev |
Popis: | V magistrski nalogi obravnavam problematiko delovnopravnega položaja poklicnih nogometašev v Sloveniji. Pri tem izhajam iz razmerja med pravom in športom ter se osredotočam na obseg delovnopravnega varstva. Zakon o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR-1) opredeljuje delovno razmerje kot razmerje med delavcem in delodajalcem, v katerem se delavec prostovoljno vključi v organiziran delovni proces delodajalca in v njem za plačilo, osebno in nepretrgano opravlja delo po navodilih in pod nadzorom delodajalca. Skozi tradicionalne opredelilne elemente analiziram obstoj delovnega razmerja med poklicnim nogometašem in športno organizacijo. V nalogi ugotavljam, da so med športnikom in športno organizacijo podani vsi elementi delovnega razmerja, zato bi morali poklicni nogometaši uživati minimalni obseg pravic, ki sicer pripada običajnim delavcem. Kljub vsemu, pa se delo poklicnega nogometaša brez dvoma razlikuje od klasičnega dela. Zaradi specifike športa, v praksi še vedno večino nogometašev opravlja delo na podlagi pogodbe civilnega prava ali kot samozaposleni. V maju 2017 je bil sprejet nov Zakon o športu (ZŠpo-1), ki je posegel tudi na področje zaposlovanja športnikov. ZŠpo-1 določa fleksibilnejšo ureditev nekaterih bistvenih institutov delovnopravnega varstva, vendar pri tem ne postavlja omejitev, ki jih sicer določa ZDR-1. Na koncu se kritično opredelim do nove ureditve ter predstavim aktivnosti Nogometne zveze Slovenije v zvezi z zaposlovanjem nogometašev. In this master thesis, I consider the issues of the labour law status of professional football players in Slovenia. In doing so, I review the intersection between law and sports. I focus on the scope of legal protection of workers. The Employment Relationship Act (ZDR-1) defines an employment relationship as a relationship between the worker and the employer, whereby the worker is voluntarily included in the employer's organised working process, in which he in return for remuneration continuously carries out work in person according to the instructions and under the control of the employer. Through these traditional defining elements, I analyse the existence of an employment relationship between a professional football player and a sports organization. In this thesis, I note that all elements of the employment relationship are established in the relationship between a sportsman and a sports organization. Therefore, professional football players should enjoy the minimal scope of rights pertaining to ordinary workers. In spite of that, the work of a professional football player is undoubtedly different from ordinary work. In practice, most football players still carry out work on the basis of a civil-law contract or as a self-employed person due to the specifics of sport. In May 2017 a new Sports Act (ZŠpo-1) was adopted which also disrupted the field of athlete employment. The ZŠpo-1 determines more flexible regulation of some essential institutes of legal protection of workers. However, it does not set restrictions as are determined in the ZDR-1. In the conclusion, I critically evaluate new regulation and present the endeavours of the Football Association of Slovenia in connection with the employment of the football players. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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