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Infrastruktura, potrebna za pregleden in sistematičen vpogled v turistično terminologijo, se v Sloveniji šele vzpostavlja. (Pol)specializirani priročnik Leksikon turizma je izšel leta 2012, z vidika jezikoslovnega raziskovanja pa sta ključna zlasti Turistični korpus TURK (2006-2008) ter na njegovi osnovi ustvarjeni Turistični terminološki slovar TURS (2008-2011), oba produkta Znanstveno-raziskovalnega središča Univerze na Primorskem. Magistrsko delo je razdeljena na dva dela. V začetnem delu opredelimo terminološko vedo - njen pojmovni in izrazni svet, njene uporabnike ter zakonitosti: lastnosti terminov na pomenski in izrazni ravni, razlikovanje med osnovnima enotama leksikologije (leksemom) ter terminologije (terminom), prikaz terminov v terminografskih in splošnih priročnikih, sodobno terminografsko situacijo pri nas in v svetu, vpliv sodobnih globalnih teženj na terminologijo. V drugem delu turistično leksiko obravnavamo s treh vidikov - korpusnega, slovarskega in izraznega - posvetimo se predstavitvi terminov v terminološkem slovarju TURS ter Leksikonu turizma, istočasno pa osvetlimo tudi pogost prehod turistične terminologije v splošno rabo prek t. i. determinologizacije. Zanima nas, v kolikšni meri je taka determinologizirana leksika prisotna v različnih korpusih slovenskega jezika (FidaPLUS, Gigafida, KRES) ter (posledično) v slovarjih splošnega slovenskega jezika (SSKJ, slovar SP, SNB). Turistično leksiko analiziramo z vidika pripadnosti različnim turističnim področjem, različnih načinov generiranja, pomenskih prenosov itd. The infrastructure needed for a manageable and systematic insight into tourism terminology has only started developing in Slovenia. (Half-)specialized manual Tourism Lexicon was published in 2012. From the linguistic point of view, there are two key products in the field, both of them created by Science and Research Centre, University of Primorska: Tourism Corpus TURK (2006-2008) and Tourism Terminology Dictionary TURS (2008-2011), which was created on the basis of term extraction from TURK. This master's degree thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, we define the terminology science - its conceptual systems and their labels (terms), its users and rules: term characteristics in terms of both meaning and form, the differentiation between the basic items of lexicology (lexem) and terminology (term) we provide demonstration of terms in terminographic and general manuals, and analyse contemporary terminographic situation in Slovenia and around the world as well as the impact of contemporary global influences upon terminology. In the second part of this thesis, we discuss the issues of tourism lexicon from three different perspectives: corpus, dictionary and form. We devote our attention to the presentation of terms in TURS and Tourism Lexicon. Meanwhile, we highlight a frequent passage of tourism terminology to the usage in general language through the so called determinologisation. We are interested in the extent of the presence of such lexicon in various corpuses of Slovenian language and (consequently) in dictionaries of general language. Tourism lexicon is analysed from various perspectives: according to different fields of tourism it belongs to, different ways of formation, semantic changes etc. |