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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali doživljanje mater z izkušnjo poporodne depresije. V teoretičnem delu, ki je bil namenjen pregledu literature, smo zaobjeli področje nosečnosti in materinstva ter področje različnih stisk in duševnih motenj v obporodnem obdobju, pri čemer smo največ poudarka namenili poporodni depresiji. Zadnje poglavje teoretičnega dela smo posvetili zaščitnim dejavnikom in virom pomoči. Drugi del magistrske naloge je bil namenjen raziskovanju, za katerega smo uporabili fenomenološko psihološki pristop, ki nam je kot tak omogočal poglobljen vpogled v doživljanje posamezne udeleženke. Izvedli smo pet intervjujev in oblikovali splošne opise doživljanja individualnih psihičnih struktur, v nadaljevanju smo oblikovali skupni opis doživljanja mater z izkušnjo poporodne depresije. Ugotovili smo, da so bile za vse udeleženke ključnega pomena spremembe doživljanja po rojstvu otroka, ki so bile močno povezane z neizpolnjenimi pričakovanji glede materinstva in z doživljanjem slabe partnerske podpore in podpore bližnjih, navedeno je doprineslo k hudim čustvenim stiskam udeleženk, ki so bile obarvane z afekti žalosti, jeze, strahu in sramu ter z občutji tesnobe. Na koncu raziskave izpostavimo pomanjkljivosti in smernice za nadaljnje raziskovanje, ki se nam tekom raziskave odpirajo. Ta raziskava nam omogoča globlji vpogled v doživljanje mater z izkušnjo poporodne depresije in je kot taka uporabna za širšo publiko z namenom, da bi se dalo večji poudarek na duševno zdravje žensk po porodu in na doživljanje materinstva, ki ga sodobna družba rada spregleda. Hkrati pa so rezultati lahko v pomoč strokovnjakom s področja psihologije in psihoterapije ter vsem tistim, ki se ukvarjajo s tovrstno tematiko in z delom z ljudmi. In this master's thesis, we studied the experience of mothers who have dealt with postpartum depression. In the theoretical part, in which literature was overviewed, we studied the fields of pregnancy and motherhood as well as different issues and mental disorders in the peripartum period, focusing on postpartum depression. The last chapter of the theoretical part examines protective factors and sources of assistance. For the second part of the master's thesis, a research was conducted by adopting the phenomenological and psychological approach, which provided a more detailed insight into participants’ feelings. Five interviews were conducted. We prepared general descriptions of how mothers experience individual psychological structures and, later on, a common description of feelings of mothers who experienced postpartum depression. We determined that, according to all participants, the most important factor was changes in their feelings in the postpartum period, closely associated with unfulfilled expectations regarding motherhood and with the lack of support by their partner and close ones. This resulted in severe emotional trauma of participants, accompanied by feelings of sadness, anger, fear, shame and anxiety. At the end of the research, we underline its shortcomings and present guidelines for further research. This research provides a deep insight into feelings of mothers who experienced postpartum depression. It can be applied to a wider public in order to raise awareness about mental health of women in the postpartum period and the perception of motherhood, which are often overlooked by the modern society. At the same time, the research results may be helpful for experts in the fields of psychology and psychotherapy as well as all those who work in this field and who work with people in general. |