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Uvod:Človeško stopalo je kompleksen ud z osnovno nalogo prenosa teže na podlago in premikanja telesa po podlagi. Pri predpisu individualno izdelanih ortoz je dodajanje klinov na varus ali valgus stran pogosta terapija, predlagana s strani stroke. Namen:Namen diplomskega dela je bilo raziskati vpliv ortoze za stopalo na položaj stopala med hojo in različnimi fazami hoje. Metode dela:Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda, saj so bili pregledani in med sabo primerjani znanstveni članki na področju ortotične obravnave varusa ali valgusa stopala. Vljučitveni kriteriji so bili, da članki niso starejši od 15 let, ter so se bolj osredotočali na učinkovitost kot pa mehanizme delovanja. Izključitveni kriteriji so bili članki z nevrološkimi (cerebralna paraliza), sistemskimi (diabetes in revmatoidni artritis), degenerativnimi (osteoartritis) spremebami, saj bi lahko zapletli analizo. Rezultati:V diplomskem delu so vključeni rezultati 8 raziskav, na temo ortoz za stopalo in popravo tako varusa kot valgusa. Rezultati prikazujejo značilnosti pacientov, vrsto nepravilnosti in vpliv ortotične oskrbe. Razprava in sklep:Po pregledu literature so rezultati so pokazali, da imajo ortoze za stopalo pozitivne rezultate na kinematiko in zmanjševanje nepravilnosti v stopalu. Introduction: Human foot is a complex limb with fundamental task of transmitting weight on the ground and to move the body on the ground. Varus and valgus wedging are commonly used by podiatric physicians in therapy with foot orthoses. Purpose: The purpose of study was to investigate the influence of foot orthoses on alignments of the foot during walking, at different stages of gait cycle. Methods: The use was of descriptive method. We use the term descriptive method because the work was formed on the basis of review of existing literature. Inclusion criteria was that articles were not than 15 years old, and they focused on the efficacy, rather on the mechanism of action. Excluded criteria was articles with neurological (cerebral palsy), systematic (diabetes and rheumatid arthritis) and degenerative (osteoarthritis) changes, because these may complicate the analysis. Results: In current study is incorporated 8 reviews of which subject are foot orthoses and realignment of varus or valgus. Results shows features of patients, type of deformity and impact of foot orthoses. Discussion and conclusion: The results indicate that the use of foot orthoses has positive outcomes on kinematics and reducing foot deformity. |