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Tri Lukne je blagovna znamka, ki predstavlja keramične izdelke izpod rok Ane Haberman. Pod to znamko so izdelki na trgu dobrih deset let, vendar v tem času ni bila razvita celostna grafična podoba, zgolj logotip. Zaradi povečanega obsega dela, želje po večji prepoznavnosti in prodaji ter zastarelosti dosedanjega logotipa je prišlo do ideje, da bi se prenovilo in razširilo vizualno podobo znamke. V diplomskem delu sem se seznanila z blagovno znamko, z izdelavo in oblikovanjem keramičnih izdelkov, njeno dosedanjo grafično podobo in podobo ter rešitve konkurenčnih blagovnih znamk pri nas in v tujini. Na podlagi ugotovitev sem oblikovala novo vizualno podobo za Tri lukne. Posebno pozornost sem namenila oblikovanju logotipa. Pripravila sem tudi predloge za dopisne tiskovine, spletno stran in promocijske materiale. Tri Lukne is a brand that presents ceramic products from the hands of Ana Haberman. The products under this brand have been on the market for more than ten years, but during this time the overall graphic image was not developed, only the logo. Due to the increased scope of work and the desire for greater recognition and sales, as well as the outdated current logo, the idea came to renew and expand the visual image of the brand. In my graduation work, I got acquainted with the brand, with the production and design of ceramic products, its graphic image and image to date, as well as the solutions of competing brands here and abroad. Based on the findings, I created a new visual image for Tri Lukne. I paid special attention to the design of the logo. I also prepared proposals for correspondence, website and promotional materials. |