Krizno upravljanje in vodenje ob vetrolomu v Zgornji Savinjski dolini decembra 2017

Autor: Govek, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Juvan, Jelena
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Diplomska naloga obravnava krizno upravljanje in vodenje v Sloveniji v primeru naravnih nesreč, ob vetrolomu leta 2017. V teoretičnem delu spoznamo pojme, ki jih srečujemo pri proučevanju obrambnega sistema in kriznega upravljanja. Predstavljena je struktura sistema nacionalne varnosti v Republiki Sloveniji, znotraj nje pa podrobneje sistem varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami. Spoznamo pravne temelje sistema, cilje in organe upravljanja in vodenja ter izvajalce nalog. V praktičnem delu naloge je analizirano krizno upravljanje in vodenje ob naravni nesreči močnega neurja in vetroloma v Zgornji Savinjski dolini decembra 2017. Skozi izbrane točke modela za proučevanje kriz, je nesreča umeščena v kontekst, določen je njen časovni okvir. Na koncu pa so analizirani preventiva, organi kriznega odločanja, krizno komuniciranje, vrednotni konflikt in pridobljene izkušnje. The thesis deals with crisis management in Slovenia in the event of natural disasters, during the windbreak in 2017. In the theoretical part, we get to know the concepts that we encounter in the study of the defencse system and crisis management. The structure of the national security system in the Republic of Slovenia is presented, as well as the system of protection against natural and other disasters. We get to know the legal foundations of the system, the goals and authorities of management, and the implementation of tasks. The practical part of the thesis analyses crisis management in the event of a natural disaster of a strong storm and windbreak in the Upper Savinja Valley in December 2017. Through selected points of the crisis study model, the disaster is placed in the context, its time frame is determined. Finally prevention, crisis decision making authorities, crisis communication, value conflict and gained experiences are analyzed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE