Ivan Tavčar, arhitekt slovenske nacionalne identitete v obdobju nastanka države SHS

Autor: Brinovec, Jan
Přispěvatelé: Jezernik, Božidar
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z življenjem slovenskega politika in literata Ivana Tavčarja ter ga poskuša prikazati skozi faze literarnega in predvsem političnega življenja. Prikazan je njegov vpliv na razvoj slovenske nacionalne identitete in predvsem na rojstvo liberalne strankarske politike na slovenskih tleh. Delo se prav tako posveča krajšemu prikazu razvoja nacionalnosti znotraj Habsburške monarhije in se dotika dogodkov na slovenski politični sceni pred ustanovitvijo države SHS. Znotraj teh političnih dogajanj je izpostavljena ravno figura Ivana Tavčarja, ki ga avtor vzpostavi kot središčno točko, skozi katero opazuje spremembe v slovenski narodni zavesti. The diploma thesis is focused on the life of the Slovenian politician and writer Ivan Tavčar and tries to present his life through the stages of his literary and political life. The emphasis is placed on his influence on the development of Slovenian national identity through his involvement with the liberal political party. The author also tackles the birth of nationalities within the Austro-Hungarian Empire and focuses on the important political changes in the Slovenian political area before the formation of the State of SCS. Within the context of these changes, the figure of Ivan Tavčar is highlighted, for the author establishes him as the central point through which the changes in Slovenian national consciousness can be observed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE