Odklonitev obveznega cepljenja otroka z vidika kazenskega prava

Autor: Bečaj, Maja
Přispěvatelé: Korošec, Damjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Namen tega magistrskega dela je preučiti možnosti kazenskopravne odgovornosti staršev za odklonitev obveznega cepljenja svojega otroka v različnih situacijah. Avtorica bo preučila možnosti kazenskopravnih posledic za golo odklonitev obveznega cepljenja in za situacije v katerih zaradi opustitve cepljenja pride do posega ali ogrozitve kazenskopravno zavarovanih dobrin. V prvem delu avtorica predstavi pomen obveznega cepljenja otrok kot ukrepa varstva pred nalezljivimi boleznimi in pravno ureditev varstva pred nalezljivimi boleznimi, ki določa pravico vsakogar, predvsem pa otrok, do najvišjega standarda zdravja. V drugem delu se osredotoči na pravnorelevantne vidike privolitve v obvezno cepljenje ter na odnos med kazenskim pravom in varstvom pred nalezljivimi boleznimi. V tretjem delu predstavi potencialne možnosti kaznovanja staršev za golo odklonitev obveznega cepljenja na področju prekrškovnega in kazenskega prava. Na področju slednjega se osredotoči na kaznivo dejanje povzročitve splošne nevarnosti. Nadalje navaja možnosti kazenskopravnega sankcioniranja odklonitve obveznega cepljenja v primerih, ko zaradi opustitve cepljenja pride do poškodovanja kazenskopravno zavarovanih dobrin drugih oseb, in sicer z vidika kaznivega dejanja prenašanja nalezljivih bolezni. Ob enem preuči možnosti kazenskopravnega sankcioniranja na podlagi instituta neprave opustitve v primerih, ko pride do poškodovanja dobrin drugih, in v primerih, ko bi zaradi opustitve cepljenja prišlo do poškodovanja dobrin otroka staršev, ki so odklonili obvezno cepljenje. Nazadnje avtorica preuči še možnost sankcioniranja odklonitve cepljenja na podlagi kaznivega dejanja zanemarjanja mladoletne osebe in surovega ravnanja. V četrtem delu se avtorica osredotoči na dejavnike, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri vzpostavljanju pripisljivosti prepovedanih posledic opustitvenemu ravnanju staršev. Avtorica analizira še tuje ureditve kazenskega sankcioniranja opustitve obveznega cepljenja otroka. Avtorica v zaključku ugotovi, da trenutna pozitivna kazenska zakonodaja daje na voljo možnosti za sankcioniranje staršev takrat, ko zaradi opustite obveznega cepljenja pride do poškodovanja zavarovanih dobrin. Odvisno bo od prakse in sodišč, kako jih bodo v prihodnosti uporabili, če sploh. The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine the possibilities of criminal responsibility of parents for refusing mandatory vaccination of their child in different situations. The author will examine viable criminal consequences for a mere refusal of mandatory vaccination and for situations in which the consequence of abandonment of vaccination is an infringement or a threat to protected rights. In the first part the author presents the importance of mandatory vaccination of children as a measure of protection against infectious diseases and the legal regulation of protection against infectious diseases, which provides the right of everyone, especially children, to the highest standard of health. In the second part she focuses on the legally relevant aspects of consent to compulsory vaccination and on the relationship between criminal law and protection from infectious diseases. In the third part she presents the viable possibilities for punishing parents for the mere refusal of mandatory vaccination in the field of misdemeanors and criminal law. In the area of the latter she focuses on the criminal act of causing a general danger. She further states the possibilities of criminal sanctioning of refusal of mandatory vaccination in cases where due to the abandonment of vaccination the result is damage to rights of others protected by criminal law from the point of view of crime of transmitting infectious diseases. She also examines the possibilities of criminal sanctioning on the basis of the institute of unjust abandonment in cases where the consequence is an infringement of rights of others and in cases where the abandonment of the vaccination would result in damage to the rights of the child of the parents who refused mandatory vaccination. Lastly the author examines the possibility of sanctioning a refusal of vaccination on the basis of a criminal act of neglecting a minor and cruel treatment. In the fourth part the author focuses on the factors that need to be taken into account when establishing the attributability of the prohibited consequences to the parental omission. The author also analyzes foreign criminal sanctioning regulations of the abandonment of mandatory vaccination of a child. The author concludes that the current positive criminal law provides possibilities for sanctioning parents when as a result of abandoning compulsory vaccination there is damage to the rights of others. It will depend on the practice and the courts how they will use them in the future, if any.
Databáze: OpenAIRE