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POVZETEK Magistrska naloga govori o pomembnem pravnem institutu, tj. institut regulacijskih začasnih odredb v postopkih varstva koristi otrok. Začasne odredbe so v našem pravnem sistemu uveljavljene že kar lep čas, vendar pa so se zaradi razvoja družbe in tudi prava začele pojavljati potrebe po temeljiti spremembi tega instituta. Pred uveljavitvijo Družinskega zakonika je bil institut začasnih odredb urejen v različnih zakonih. Taka ureditev je bila precej nesistematična, zaradi česar je odločanje o začasnih odredbah za varstvo otrokove koristi potekalo v različnih postopkih, in sicer v pravdnem, nepravdnem in upravnem postopku. Prišlo je do situacije, ko se je o isti zadevi odločalo večkrat, kar seveda ni bilo in ne more biti otroku v korist. Z uveljavitvijo novega Družinskega zakonika, dne 15. aprila 2019, smo pridobili novo, bolj sistematično ureditev instituta, saj se danes o varstvu otrokovih koristih odloča zgolj v enem postopku, in sicer v nepravdnem postopku. Zakonik novosti ni prinesel zgolj na postopkovnem področju, pač pa tudi na materialnopravnem področju, to se vidi pri spremembi pogoja izdaje začasnih odredb. Torej, namen začasnih odredb v družinskopravnih postopkih je začasna ureditev spornega pravnega razmerja in varovanje koristi otroka, pri čemer je izdaja odredbe na mestu, ko je pri otroku verjetno izkazan pogoj ogroženosti in ni mogoče čakati do sprejema končne odločitve sodišča. Družinski zakonik v 162. členu našteva več vrst začasnih odredb, za katere pravilo numerus clausus ne velja, slednje pa pomeni, da ima predlagatelj poleg zakonsko naštetih začasnih odredb možnost sodišču predlagati izdajo začasne odredbe, ki v Družinskem zakoniku ni zajeta. ABSTRACT The master's thesis examines an important legal institute: the institute of regulatory interlocutory injunctions in procedures regarding the protection of child's best interest. Interlocutory injunctions have been implemented in our legal system for quite some time, but the need for a thorough modification of this institute is increasing due to the development of the society as well as the law. Before the implementation of the Family Code, the institute of interlocutory injunctions was regulated by different laws. This was quite unsystematic decision-making on interlocutory injunctions for the protection of child's best interests was thus carried out in the following procedures: civil procedure, non-contentious procedure and administrative procedure. It happened that the same matter was then discussed multiple times, which is not and cannot be in the child's best interest. With the implementation of the Family Code on 15 April 2019, we obtained a more systematic regulation of the institute the protection of child's best interests is now discussed in only one procedure, the non-contentious procedure. The Code brought novelties not only in procedural matters, but also in substantive matters, which is evident in the changed conditions regarding the grant of interlocutory injunctions. The aim of interlocutory injunctions in family matters is a temporary regulation of the questionable legal relationship and the protection of child's best interests, where the injunction is granted if the child is possibly under the risk of threat and there is no time to wait for the court's final decision. In Article 162, the Family Code lists several interlocutory injunctions that are not subject to numerus clausus concept, which means that the applicant can propose to court, in addition to interlocutory injunctions cited by the law, the grant of an interlocutory injunction that is not listed in the Family Code. |