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Neenakomerno zorenje jagod je pojav, pri katerem del plodu žlahtnega jagodnjaka (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) ne dozori. Nezreli del se lahko pojavi na vrhu pri čaši ploda ali na konici plodu. Težava je še razmeroma neraziskana, zato smo želeli z našo raziskavo primerjati lastnosti ter vsebnosti primarnih in sekundarnih metabolitov v enakomerno obarvanih in neenakomerno obarvanih plodovih. V raziskavi smo primerjali plodove dveh sort, 'Clery' in 'Asia'. V prvem delu raziskave smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv termina pridelave na vsebnosti metabolitov v plodovih, primerjali smo jagode obrane v pomladanskem in jesenskem času. Ugotovili smo, da čas obiranja ne vpliva na barvo in trdoto plodov, vpliva pa na vsebnost metabolitov (SS, skupni sladkorji, organske kisline, vitamin C, fenolne spojine). V drugem delu raziskave smo primerjali različno obarvane dele plodov. Ugotovili smo, da, bolj obarvani deli plodu vsebujejo več topne suhe snovi, sladkorjev, vitamina C in fenolnih spojin in manj organskih kislin ter imajo manjšo trdoto. Spomladanski plodovi sorte 'Asia', pri kateri se je neenakomerno zorenje kazalo v obliki »zelene konice« na plodu, so imeli največjo vsebnost sladkorjev ravno v belem delu. Domnevamo, da je v zeleni nedozoreli konici plodu motena encimska aktivnost in normalno kopičenje sladkorjev, medtem ko to ni opazno v belem delu ploda pri čaši, vendar so za potrditev te domneve potrebne dodatne raziskave. Uneven ripening is a disorder where a part of fruit remains unripe after the rest of the fruit has ripened. In strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.), it takes form as 'white shoulder' on the top or 'green tip' at the basal side of the fruit. This experiment aimed to determine the fruit characteristics and metabolite compositions of both evenly and unevenly ripe strawberry fruits in two varieties, 'Clery' and 'Asia'. The first part examined the effects of harvesting time on evenly ripe fruits. Results showed that the metabolite concentrations (SSC, sugars, organic acids, vitamin C, and phenolics) in fruits were more affected by harvest time than the fruit color and firmness. The second part compared the differently pigmented parts of unevenly ripe fruits. Results showed that the fruits’ more pigmented parts had higher concentrations of soluble solids, sugars, vitamin C, and phenolic compounds, and lower levels of organic acids and firmness. In the spring fruits of 'Asia', where the only 'green tip' form of uneven ripening was found, the highest concentration of sugars was found in the white part. It was speculated that the ‘green tip’ disturbed the enzyme activity and changed the normal pattern of sugar accumulation, while the ‘white shoulder’ didn’t, but this theory needs further research. |