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Od prihoda naprav v sfero doma naprej so starši soočeni z iskanjem ravnotežja med prednostmi in tveganji, ki jih uporaba mobilne tehnologije predstavlja za otroke. Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati in preučiti, kako se moderna tehnologija domestificira v domove družin ter kakšne strategije in prakse uporabljajo starši za reguliranje otrokove uporabe naprav. Kvalitativna raziskava je temeljila na študiji primera skavtskih družin, zato sem intervjuvala 6 staršev skavtov, starih od 8 do 10 let. Raziskava je pokazala, da nove naprave, ki prihajajo v dom, povzročajo preseljevanje starih v druge prostore, kjer se ponovno srečajo z že ustaljenimi praksami in rutinami. Pri nakupu so glavni starši, a mnogokrat na pobudo otrok. Glavni razlogi za nakup telefona otroku izvirajo iz pritiska družbe, dodan pa je tudi vidik varnosti in družinske koordinacije. Glavna ugotovitev raziskave je, da se starši poslužujejo strategij omejevalne mediacije, kot so: količinsko in časovno omejevanje uporabe, prepovedane vsebine, uporaba aplikacij za starševski nadzor. Starši navajajo več izjem, ko je otrokom dovoljena daljša uporaba naprav. Najpogostejše so čas med počitnicami, obiski pri starih starših in dosledno opravljanje gospodinjskih zadolžitev. Na skavtskih aktivnostih velja prepoved uporabe tehnologij, kar je staršem skavtov všeč, prav tako povedo, da je otroci ne pogrešajo. Starši sicer ne menijo, da se takšna drža odraža v življenju otrok, morda pa vpliva na bolj namensko in koristno uporabo tehnologij. Since the arrival of devices into the domestic sphere, parents have been faced with balancing the advantages and risks that the use of mobile technology presents for children. The aim of the thesis is to research and examine how the modern technology is domesticated in the homes and what strategies are used by parents to regulate the children's use of the devices. The qualitative research was based on the case study of scout families, as I interviewed six parents of the scouts aged eight to ten. The research showed that new devices, entering the homes, cause the moving of old ones into other rooms, where they face the already established practices and routines. Parents are usually in charge of buying devices, however the initiative often comes from children. The main reasons for buying children their one own mobile phone is derived from the societal pressure, while the aspects of safety and family coordination have also been added. The main conclusion of the research is that parents use restrictive mediation strategies, such as: quantity and time limitation of use, prohibited content, use of parental control applications. Parents list several exceptions when children are allowed to use devices for a longer period of time. The most common are the holidays, visits to grandparents and helping with household chores. The use of technology is prohibited at scouting activities, which the parents are happy with furthermore, they believe that children do not miss it. Parents do not believe that such an attitude is reflected in the children's lives however, it may influence the more purposeful and functional use of technology. |