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Fitinska kislina velja za glavno zalogo fosforja v številnih rastlinskih tkivih, zlasti v semenih. Na človeško telo ima številne tako pozitivne kot negativne učinke. Kemijsko ima strukturo inozitol heksafosfata, kjer osnovni skelet predstavlja inozitol, vsaka izmed šestih hidroksilnih skupin pa je zaestrena s fosfatom. V diplomski nalogi sem želela določiti vpliv ekstrakcijskih parametrov na določitev fosfata, fitinske kisline ter ostalih inozitol fosfatov v vzorcih pšenice in ajde. Fitinsko kislino v vzorcih sem določala z ionsko kromatografiji visoke ločljivosti (HPIC) z metodo umeritvene krivulje. S potenciometrično titracijo z uporabo NaOH sem določila množinsko koncentracijo fitinske kisline. Poleg tega sem s potenciometrično titracijo standardizirala raztopino fitata. Phytic acid is considered the main phosphorus storage in many plant tissues, especially in seeds. It has many effects on the human body, both positive and negative. Chemically, it has the structure of inositol hexaphosphate, where the basic skeleton is inositol, and each of the six hydroxyl groups is esterified with a phosphate. In my thesis, I wanted to determine the influence of extraction parameters on the determination of phosphate, phytic acid and other inositol phosphates in wheat and buckwheat samples. Phytic acid in the samples was determined by high-performance ion chromatography (HPIC) using the calibration curve method. I determined the mass concentration of phytic acid by potentiometric titration using NaOH. In addition, I standardised the phytate solution using by potentiometric titration. |