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Velika Britanija velja za območje z bogato zgodovino priseljevanja in izseljevanja ljudi, vendar do polovice 20. stoletja etnična raznolikost tam še ni bila tako izrazita. Do bistvenih sprememb na tem področju je prišlo po koncu druge svetovne vojne, ko se je zaradi številnih mednarodnih migracij etnična sestava prebivalstva precej spremenila. V največjem številu so se na britanski otok začeli priseljevati južni Azijci (Indijci, Pakistanci) in prebivalci karibskih otokov. Postopoma se je izoblikovala multikulturna družba, ki se danes kaže predvsem v večjih mestih, najbolj v Londonu. Pričujoče magistrsko delo se osredotoča na migracije v Veliki Britaniji skozi zgodovino, posebej pa predstavi tudi današnje stanje le-teh. Ker so Britanci neuradno sprejeli multikulturalistični pristop v odnosu do priseljencev, se delo posveti tudi tej tematiki. Multikulturalizem ima zlasti politični pomen, ki je opazen v najrazličnejših zakonih in odločitvah vladajočih, sprejetih v odnosu do migrantov. Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske je v prvih desetletjih po drugi svetovni vojni sprejelo veliko zakonov o omejevanju priseljevanja, hkrati pa tudi že začelo s prizadevanji za izboljšanje razmer migrantov in njihovo enakopravnost v britanski družbi. Pot do dejanske enakopravnosti za zdaj ostaja utopija, še posebej če posamezne etnične skupine primerjamo glede na stopnjo brezposelnosti ali druge relevantne kazalce. Poleg tega so tudi v Veliki Britaniji še vedno prisotni problemi rasizma in ostale oblike diskriminacije. Great Britain is considered a region rich in history of immigration and emigration of people but by the middle of the twentieth century ethnic diversity was not significant. Important changes in this area occurred after the end of the Second World War when – due to many international migrations – the ethnic composition of the population changed considerably. Most numerous among the migrants to the British island were the South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis) and the inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands. A multicultural society which is nowadays most notable in major cities such as London gradually formed. The following Master’s thesis focuses on the migrations in Great Britain through history and in particular presents the current state of these. The thesis also focuses on the multicultural approach in relation to immigrants which the British have unofficially adopted. Multiculturalism is of particular political significance which is evident in various laws and decisions adopted in response to migration issues. In the first decades after Second World War, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland adopted numerous laws on restricting immigration while at the same time introduced the efforts to improve the situation of migrants and their equality within the British society. The path to actual equality remains utopia for the time being, especially when we compare the unemployment rates or other relevant indicators of the individual ethnic groups. In addition, Great Britain still faces problems of racism and other forms of discrimination. |