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V okviru diplomskega dela so bile obravnavane metode in orodja vrednotenja in analize življenjskega cikla proizvodov. Podrobneje sta predstavljeni SWOT analiza in LCA metoda vrednotenja in ocene življenjskega cikla proizvodov, procesov in storitev. Na kratko je predstavljen standard za upravljanja z okoljem ISO 14001, ter standardi družine ISO 14040: Splošna načela za vodenje in vrednotenje študije LCA. Izvedena je uporaba obeh metod in orodij na področju proizvodnih tehnologij s posebnim poudarkom na področju proizvodnje jekla in jeklenih polproizvodov. V okviru dela je izvedena tudi kompleksna analiza in vrednotenje življenjskega cikla ter SWOT analiza izbranega jeklenega proizvoda in sicer je bila izvedena analiza za primer visoko kakovostnega visoko trdnega obrabno obstojnega jekla. Jeklo je proizvedeno s strani največjega proizvajalca jekla v Sloveniji in je zaradi zaščite podatkov in interesov vseh vključenih deležnikov v nadaljevanju imenovano kot »testno jeklo« oziroma na kratko TVTJ. Delo je doprinos k varstvu okolja in zmanjšanju porabe energije in surovin ter prispevek k dvigu kakovosti in produktivnosti. In this thesis, we reviewed various tools and methods used for assessment and analysis of the life cycle of certain products. We provided a more detailed overview of SWOT analysis and the LCA method for reviewing and evaluating the life cycles of products, processes and utilities. Herein we also reviewed the ISO 14001 standard for conduct as it relates to the environment, as well as the ISO 14040 family of standards, which encompass the general guidelines for management and assessment of LCA studies. We then employed both SWOT analysis and the LCA method in the field of production technology, with emphasis on the production of steel and its intermediate products. As a part of this thesis, we also performed a complex analysis and life cycle assessment, as well as SWOT analysis, of a selected steel product, more specifically solid, wear-resistant steel, which we acquired from the largest Slovenian steel manufacturer. In this work, the product is referred to either as "test steel" or with the acronym TVTJ in the interest of data protection. This thesis is a contribution to environmental conservation efforts, as well as reduction of energy and raw material consumption and an increase in quality and productivity as it relates to the Slovenian steel industry. |