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V magistrski nalogi so prikazane in opisane različne možnosti odvajanja in čiščenja odpadne vode v naselju Kulen Vakuf, ki se nahaja v Narodnem parku (NP) Una v Bosni in Hercegovini. Kulen Vakuf je največje naselje v NP in ima velik turistični potencial. Pomanjkanje sistema za odvajanje in čiščenje odpadnih voda je med pomembnejšimi problemi, povezanimi z onesnaževanjem na tem območju. Zaščita kakovosti reke Une je eden izmed prednostnih ciljev pri zaščiti NP Una, saj je kakovost reke predpogoj za doseganje večine ciljev trajnostnega upravljanja in rabe NP Una (ribolov, turizem, biotska raznovrstnost, itd.). V nalogi sta predstavljena dva koncepta reševanja odvodnje odpadnih voda z (ločenim) gravitacijskim in vakuumskih kanalizacijskim sistemom. V varianti A gre za klasično odvodnjavanje odpadnih voda s pomočjo padcev terena (gravitacija). V varianti B je opisana druga rešitev odvodnjavanja odpadnih voda z vakuumskim in delno z gravitacijskim kanalizacijskim sistemom. Predstavljeni sta tudi dve možnosti čiščenje odpadnih voda, in sicer s SBR ali MBR čistilno napravo. Predvideva se izpust čiščene vode v reko Uno. Ker je obravnavano območje poplavno ogroženo, je predvidena lokacija čistilne naprave višje od zbiralnega bazena odpadne vode. Slednjo preko tlačnega voda vodimo s pomočjo potopnih črpalk. Za naselje je prikazan tudi predlog odvajanja padavinskih voda v obliki odprtih kanalov, natančneje z betonskimi muldami. Na koncu predloga ureditve je prikazana in opisana tudi stroškovna ocena različnih možnosti odvajanja in čiščenja odpadne vode, s katero sem ovrednotil investicijske stroške ter izbral tehnično najboljšo varianto. The master’s thesis presents and describes various possibilities for drainage and treatment of wastewater in the settlement of Kulen Vakuf, which is located in the National park (NP) Una in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kulen Vakuf is the largest settlement in the NP and has great tourist potential. The lack of wastewater drainage and treatment system is among the more important pollution-related problems in the area. The protection of the quality of the Una river is one of the priority objectives in the protection of the NP Una, as river quality is a precondition for achieving most of the objectives of sustainable management and use of the NP Una (fishing, tourism, biodiversity, etc.). The paper presents two concepts for solving wastewater drainage with a (separate) gravity and vacuum sewer system. Variant A is a classic wastewater drainage with the help of terrain falls (gravity). Variant B describes another solution for wastewater drainage with a vacuum and partly with a gravity sewer system. Two options for wastewater treatment are also presented, namely with the SBR and MBR treatment plant. The discharge of treated water into the Una river is envisaged. As the area in question is at risk of flooding, the planned location of the treatment plant is higher than the wastewater collection basin. The latter is guided through the pressure line by means of submersible pumps. For the settlement, a proposal for the discharge of rainwater in the form of open canals, more precisely with concrete ditches, is also shown. At the end of the proposed regulation, the cost estimate of various options for drainage and treatment of wastewater is shown and described, with which I evaluated the investment costs and selected the technically best variant. |