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V diplomski nalogi je obravnavana sanacija toplotnih mostov, ki nastanejo pri križanju balkonske konzole z zunanjo steno. Osredotočili smo se na sanacijo tovrstnih toplotnih mostov z oblaganjem konzole s toplotno izolacijo. Pri tem je bilo toplotno izoliranje balkonske konzole izvedeno z različnimi debelinami toplotne izolacije in različnimi mesti nanosa le-te (spodaj, spodaj in zgoraj, okrog). Po pregledu primerov balkonskih konzol na terenu sta bili določeni dve tipični širini balkonske konzole, in sicer 90 cm in 130 cm, na katerih so se aplicirale različne možnosti sanacije toplotnih mostov. Za primerjavo uspešnosti sanacije zmanjšanja toplotnih izgub skozi toplotni most glede na tip podnebja so bile izbrane tri različne lokacije v Sloveniji. Poleg tega so bili preučeni tudi trije različni ogrevalni energenti, za primerjavo glede na način ogrevanja. Izračunane so bile toplotne izgube, višina investicije in strošek energije, ki bi ga prihranili v primeru toplotnega izoliranja balkonske konzole. Na koncu je bil izračunan še čas povračila investicije, ki je nakazal smiselnost določenega načina izoliranja balkonske konzole. Izkazalo se je, da je toplotno izoliranje smiselno, za določitev časa povračila investicije pa je potrebno narediti nek osnovni izračun glede na lokacijo stavbe, način ogrevanja in same dimenzije balkonske konzole. Pri novogradnji in sanaciji se investicija najhitreje povrne, če balkonsko konzolo izoliramo spodaj in zgoraj ne glede na debelino toplotne izolacije, razen v primerih, ko imamo pri sanaciji toplotno izolacijo debelejšo od 6 oziroma 8 cm. V tem primeru se najhitreje povrne investicija toplotne izolacije okrog celotne konzole. The Graduation thesis deals with the retrofit of the thermal bridges at balcony console intersecting with the load-bearing wall. The emphahis of the Graduation thesis is the retrofit of thermal bridges. The thermal bridge was partly or entirely eliminated by applaying thermal insulation of various thicknesses at different console locations. After the overwiev of different balcony consoles two typical widths were determined - 90 and 130 centimetres. Then different variants of balcony consoles retrofit were applied. Three different Slovenian locations were considered, chosen in order to compare the type of climate and three heating sources (fuels) in order to compare different types of heating. In addition, the thermal losses, the investment value and the energy savings were calculated for different solutions and cases. Furthermore the estimated investment payback period was determined, which indicated the most recommended solution. It turned out that thermal insulation is meaningful, but for the investment payback period we need to consider some critical factors, such as the location of the building, the type of heating and dimensions of the balcony console. The investment payback period of the new construction or the retrofit is the shortest if the balcony console is insulated on the lower and upper side, regardless of the thickness of thermal insulation, except when dealing with the thermal insulation which is thicker than 6 or 8 centimetres. In that case the investment payback period is the shortest if we thermaly insulate the whole console. |