Interpretacija Trudnih zastorov Slavka Gruma z ozirom na pisemsko korespondenco z Jožo Debelak

Autor: Sitar, Danijela
Přispěvatelé: Troha, Gašper
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z interpretacijo Trudnih zastorov in preko analize pisem poskuša s primerjalno metodo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je življenjski zgled Slavka Gruma in Joži Debelak, kakor se odkriva v pismih, vplival na oblikovanje lika Knuta Larsena in Amare. Primerja in analizira še druge elemente, kot so naslov dela, tema ljubezni in konec drame, z namenom odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali gre za simbolistično delo ter v kolikšni meri. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da je realen odnos med Slavkom Grumom in Jožo Debelak v veliki meri vplival na dramo, ki je simbolistična drama z dekadenčnimi primesmi, ki pa jih je zaradi tesnega prepletanja narave dekadence ter simbolizma težko enoznačno zamejiti. Opredelili bi jo lahko kot simbolistično dramo z rahlim pridržkom, ki zadeva predvsem dekadenčno podobo glavne ženske dramske osebe. The thesis deals with the interpretation of the drama Trudni zastori and uses the comparative method to determine to what extent the real life examples of Slavko Grum and Joži Debelak, the way they are presented in the letters, helped create the characters of Knut Larsen and Amara. The paper compares and analyses other elements of the drama, such as its title, its ending and the theme of love, with the purpose of answering the question whether and to what extent it is a work of symbolism. The conclusion is that the real relationship between Slavko Grum and Joži Debelak largely influenced the play which is a work of symbolism with hints of the Decadent movement. It is hard to clearly distinguish between the two stylistic formations, as their nature is largely intertwined. Thus we can define the play Trudni zastori as a symbolist drama that deals primarily with the decadent role of a lead female character.
Databáze: OpenAIRE