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Magistrsko delo obravnava spletno nasilje, kot ga pojmujejo učenci tretje triade osnovne šole in njihove učiteljice. V zadnjem času se vse več aktivnosti seli na splet in posledično so tudi otroci vse bolj aktivni na različnih spletnih portalih, ki jih uporabljajo za igranje iger, komunikacijo in nenazadnje tudi za šolske potrebe. S tem pa se povečuje tudi možnost, da postanejo tarča osebe, ki bo nad njimi izvedla spletno nasilje. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi vzorca 22 učencev in 3 učiteljic raziskovala, kako intervjuvanci pojmujejo spletno nasilje, kako se s problemom sooča šola in ali se o spletnem nasilju v šoli pogovarjajo, izvajajo preventivne delavnice in podobne aktivnosti. Delo odpre vprašanja za nadaljnje raziskovanje, predvsem kako najmlajšim učencem predstaviti problem spletnega nasilja. The master thesis deals with cyberbullying as understood by students in the third triad of primary school and their teachers. Recently, more and more activities are moving online, and as a result, children are also becoming more active on various web portals, which they use to play games, communicate and, last but not least, for school purposes. This also increases the chance that they will become the target of a person who will commit cyberbullying against them. In the empirical part, based on a sample of 22 students and 3 teachers, I researched how interviewees perceive cyberbullying, how the school faces the problem and whether they talk about online violence at school, how they carry out prevention workshops and similar activities. The work opens up questions for further research, especially how to present the problem of cyberbullying to the youngest students. |