Stiske otrok v osnovni šoli in njihovi načini razbremenitve

Autor: Jakopič, Nives
Přispěvatelé: Grebenc, Vera
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Lansko in letošnjo prakso sem opravljala na osnovni šoli. Spremljala sem življenje osnovnošolcev in se spominjala svojega. Ugotovila sem, da so učenci že na razredni stopnji, tako kot sem bila tudi sama, izpostavljeni mnogim obremenitvam in pod velikim stresom. Osnovnošolci se vsakodnevno spopadajo s številnimi zahtevami, izzivi, pritiski staršev in učiteljev. Pogosto pozabimo, kako pomembno je , da se znajo ustaviti in sproti ter konstruktivno sprostiti napetost in razrešiti svojo stisko. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem se osredotočila na zahteve in obremenitve učencev v osnovni šoli. Spraševala sem se, kaj jih spravlja v stisko in stres ter kako si pomagajo pri obvladovanju. Otroci polovico dneva presedijo v šolskih klopeh, kjer zadnje ure, že povsem zdolgočaseni, čakajo na zvonec in konec pouka. Mislim, da šola, kot vzgojno – izobraževalna institucija, otroku pusti premalo časa biti le otrok, z možnostjo učenja preko gibanja in igre. Marsikdaj so preveč v ospredju pomnjenje konceptov, učenje na pamet in tekmovanje za odličnimi ocenami. Vse to so viri stresa in povzročitelji stisk pri otrocih. Problematično je tudi javno označevanje dosežkov in vedenja učencev s srčki in črnimi pikami v razredu. Tudi takšno vrednotenje otroka je lahko povod za stisko. Izobrazba, ki jo otroci dobijo tekom izobraževanja je zelo pomembna, vendar menim, da bi morale imeti vrednote, kot so ljubezen, empatija in solidarnost večjo veljavo v kurikulumu. Menim, da je ključno, da otroci znajo prepoznati stres ter se hkrati naučiti da gre za pojav, ki ga lahko obvladujemo in se z njim konstruktivno soočamo. Zato je del diplomske naloge namenjen predstavitvi tehnik sproščanja, kot načina premagovanja stresa in stiske. Z različnimi raziskavami sem tako prikazala, da imajo tehnike pozitiven vpliv na vedenje, koncentracijo in počutje otrok v osnovni šoli. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela, sem želela raziskati v kolikšni meri se učenci po pomoč pri obvladovanju stiske obrnejo k svetovalni delavki. Ugotovila sem, da so družinski člani in prijatelji tisti, na katere se otrok najprej obrne. Raziskovala sem tudi koliko so seznanjeni s tehnikami spopadanja s stisko, katere tehnike uporabljajo in ali si jih sploh želijo vključiti v šolski prostor. Ugotovila sem, da se veliki večini učencev zdi smiselno vključiti tehnike v proces šolanja, saj z njimi niso toliko seznanjeni hkrati pa si želijo spoznati učinke, ki jih prinašajo. I had done my work experience this and last year in a primary school. I have watched a life of pupils and remembered mine. I have found out that pupils in the first elementary stage are exposed to many burdens and are under a lot of stress as same as I was at that stage. Pupils confront with numerous demands, challenges, pressure from parents and teachers on a daily basis. We often forget how important it is for them to know when to stop and regularly to constructively relax their tension and solve their own distress. In the theoretical part of my thesis I have focused on demands and burdens of pupils in a primary school. I have wondered what causes distress and stress to them, and how they can help themselves to control it. Children sit in school benches for half of a day and in last lessons they are already totally bored and wait for the bell to announce the end of a lesson. I think that school as an educational institution doesn’t allow much to children to be a child, to learn through movement and games. A lot of times memorizing of concepts, learning by heart and to compete for excellent grades are in the foreground. All this are sources of stress and cause of distress in children. Problematical is also a public label of accomplishments and behavior of pupils with hearts and black dots in a class. Also, this kind of value of a child can also be a cause for stress. Knowledge that children receive during education is very important, but I think that values like love, empathy and solidarity should have bigger impact in the school curriculum. In my opinion, it is important that children know how to recognize stress and at the same time to learn that it is an occurrence which can be manageable and to cope constructively with it. That is why the part of the thesis is meant to present techniques of relaxation which overcome stress and distress. With different researches I could show that techniques have a positive influence on behavior, concentration and well-being of a child in a primary school. In the research part of the thesis, I wanted to explore how many times do pupils turn to school’s social workers when they need help with overcoming of distress. I have found out that a child turns to family members and friends first. I have researched also how many of them are informed with techniques of confrontation with distress, which techniques they use and if they want them to integrate in a school system at all. I have found out that most pupils think it is sensible to integrate these techniques in a school process because they are not informed as much and they want to see what effect they would bring.
Databáze: OpenAIRE