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V magistrski nalogi želim opozoriti na obremenitve ramenskega sklepa med košarkarsko igro ter predstaviti najpogostejše poškodbe košarkarjev in košarkaric. Magistrska naloga je monografskega tipa, pri zbiranju informacij sem si pomagal z domačimi in tujimi viri. V uvodu sem najprej predstavil temeljne značilnosti košarke, obremenitve ramenskega sklepa med igro in sestavo ramenskega sklepa. Poškodbe ramenskega sklepa niso najbolj pogoste pri košarki, vseeno pa se pojavljajo. Najpogosteje prihaja do nestabilnosti ramenskega sklepa, kamor sodijo tudi izpahi ramenskega sklepa. Ostale poškodbe, ki prizadenejo košarkaše so še zagozditveni sindrom ramenskega sklepa, poškodbe rotatorne manšete in poškodbe labruma. Dejavnike tveganja za poškodbo rame predstavljajo deficiti v notranji rotaciji glenohumeralnega sklepa, deficiti v moči mišic rotatorne manšete in nepravilno gibanje lopatic. Omenjeno gibljivost ali moč v ramenskem sklepu lahko ugotavljamo s funkcionalnimi testi. V nalogi smo izpostavili ogrevalne vaje z elastičnim trakom za pripravo ramenskega sklepa na košarkarski trening ali vadbo za moč. Oblikovali smo preventivni vadbeni program za ramenski sklep, ki zajema vsebine za mobilnost, stabilnost sklepa, razvoj moči in pliometrično vadbo. Celotna vadba mora potekati ob izvedbi pravilnih gibalnih vzorcev. Zbrane informacije so namenjene košarkarskim trenerjem, kineziologom in vsem košarkarjem, ki se srečujejo s poškodbami ramenskega sklepa. Predstavljajo sistematičen pregled anatomije, obremenitev in vrst poškodb ramenskega sklepa. Vsebina magistrskega dela bo v pomoč pri načrtovanju vadbe za zdrav in funkcionalen ramenski sklep košarkarjev in košarkaric. In the following thesis i would like to draw attention to loads on the shoulder joint during a basketball game and present the most common shoulder injuries of male and female basketball players. The thesis is a monographic type of work. While collecting the material for the thesis, I used mostly foreign sources. In the introduction, I first presented the basic characteristics of the basketball, the load on the shoulder joint during game and the composition of the shoulder joint. Shoulder joint injuries are not the most common in basketball, nevertheless they also occur. The most frequent is instability of the shoulder joint, which also includes dislocations of glenohumeral joint. Other injuries that affect basketball players are also impingement syndrome, rotator cuff injury and labrum tear. Risk factors for shoulder injury include deficits in internal rotation of glenohumeral joint, deficits in rotator cuff muscle strength and scapular dyskinesia. Mentioned mobility or strength in the shoulder joint can be determined by functional tests. Within the discussion we highlighted warm-up exercises with an elastic band to prepare the shoulder joint for basketball training or strength training. We formed a preventive exercise program for the shoulder joint, which includes content for mobility, joint stability, strength development and plyometric exercise. The entire program must be executed with the implementation of correct movement patterns. The gathered information will be a great help for the basketball coaches, kinesiologists and all basketball players who experience shoulder joint injuries. They represent a systematic overview of the anatomy, loads and types of shoulder joint injuries. The content of the master's thesis will be very helpful in planning the practice for a healthy and functional shoulder joint of basketball players. |