Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Tolmin od nastanka do druge svetovne vojne (1881-1941)

Autor: Šavli, Martin
Přispěvatelé: Hudales, Jože, Balkovec, Bojan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Diplomsko delo obravnava zgodovino Prostovoljnega gasilskega društva Tolmin v obdobju od ustanovitve do druge svetovne vojne. V to obdobje spadata predvsem dva velika sistema, ki sta s svojo prisotnostjo oblikovala tolminsko gasilstvo. Kot prvi je mišljen sistem, ki je bil prisoten v času Avstro-Ogrske monarhije, in kot drugi ta, ki je deloval v času, ko je bila Primorska del Italije. Slednji je doletel Primorsko po prvi svetovni vojni in je bil na tamkajšnjem ozemlju fenomen. Prvo poglavje se nanaša na predzgodovino društva in poskuša orisati obče in lokalne razmere pred nastankom gasilskega društva v Tolminu. Drugo poglavje se nanaša na ustanovitev gasilskega društva in na vzroke, ki so pripeljali do tega. V podpoglavjih se dotakne dogodkov in poudarkov, ki so za ustanovitev in začetni razvoj gasilskega društva v Tolminu ključni. Naslednje, daljše poglavje opisuje razmere in delovanje društva do prve svetovne vojne na različnih ravneh. Naslednje pomembnejše poglavje opisuje čas med obema vojnama. Tukaj je poudarek predvsem na delovanju in interpretaciji pomembnejših virov. Raziskava temelji predvsem na arhivskih virih, časopisnih člankih, intervjujih z nekaterimi veterani, slikovnem gradivu in na sicer skromni literaturi, ki obravnava lokalno in občo zgodovino ter razvoj gasilstva na Slovenskem. The thesis deals with the history of the Volunteer Fire Department Tolmin in the period from its foundation to the Second World War. This period includes two major systems which have shaped the firefighting in the Tolmin area. The first system was present during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the second was present during the Italian annexation of the Slovene Littoral. The latter befell the Slovenian Littoral after the First World War and is considered a phenomenon of the region. The first chapter deals with the pre-history of the fire department and tries to outline the general and local circumstances present prior to the foundation of the fire department in Tolmin. The second chapter deals with the foundation of the fire department and the reasons which contributed to its establishment. The subchapters discuss the events and highlights that were crucial for the foundation and initial development of the fire department in Tolmin. The next bigger chapter describes the conditions and activities of the fire department on multiple levels. The next chapter describes the period of time between the wars. Here, the emphasis is mainly on the work and interpretations of important sources. The research is based on the archival sources, newspaper articles, interviews with some of the firefighter veterans, the visual materials and the otherwise small amount of literature dealing with the local and general history and the development of firefighting in the Slovenian territory.
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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