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V magistrskem delu je prikazan pregled literature o stilih navezanosti, o strahu pred intimo ter o socioseksualni orientiranosti. V teoretičnem delu se avtorica najprej dotakne tematike teorije navezanosti, prenosa in spreminjanja stila navezanosti. Nato pojasnjuje intimnost kot interakcijo v interpersonalnem procesu, opredeli strah pred intimo in komponente socioseksualne orientiranosti ter razlike v intimi glede na spol. V empiričnem delu je s kvantitativno metodo avtorica na 561 udeležencih, od tega 105 moških in 456 žensk, preverila stil navezanosti z vprašalnikom RQ (Relationship Questionnaire), nivo strahu pred intimo z vprašalnikom FIS (Fear of Intimacy) in stopnjo socioseksualne orientiranosti s pomočjo vprašalnika SOI-R (The revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory). Največ udeležencev ima plašljiv stil navezanosti (40,6 %), sledijo mu posamezniki z varnim stilom navezanosti (30,8 %), nato posamezniki s preokupiranim stilom navezanosti (20,9 %) in posamezniki z odklonilnim stilom navezanosti (7,7 %). 60,25 % udeležencev ima nizek strah pred intimo in 39,75 % udeležencev ima visok strah pred intimo. Pri socioseksualni orientiranosti so rezultati pokazali, da ima 79,9 % anketirancev restriktivno socioseksualno orientacijo in da je 20,1 % anketirancev permisivno socioseksualno orientiranih. Analiza je pokazala, da obstaja statistično pozitivna povezanost med strahom pred intimo in socioseksualno orientiranostjo. Posamezniki z ne-varnim stilom navezanosti imajo v povprečju višjo stopnjo strahu pred intimo kot posamezniki z varnim stilom navezanosti. Raziskava je pokazala, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike med moškimi in ženskami v stopnji socioseksualne orientiranosti. Obstajajo tudi statistično pomembne razlike med moškimi in ženskami v stopnji strahu pred intimo, prav tako tudi pozitivna povezanost med strahom pred intimo in permisivno socioseksualno orientiranostjo. The master's thesis presents a review of the literature regarding attachment styles, fear of intimacy, and sociosexual orientation. In the theoretical part, the author defines the theory of attachment, along with attachment styles and its change or transfer. At this point the author explains intimacy as an interaction in the interpersonal process, depicts fear of intimacy, components of sociosexual orientation, and highlights gender differences in intimacy. The theoretical framework was followed by the empirical section including a quantitative method of data analysis. Verifications of attachment style, fear of intimacy, and level of sociosexual orientation were carried using the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), FIS (Fear of Intimacy) Questionnaire, and SOI-R (The revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory) Questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 561 respondents, of which 105 were men and 456 women. The research suggests that most respondents have a fearful-avoidant (disorganized) attachment style (40.6 %), followed by individuals with a secure attachment style (30.8 %), a fifth of the individuals with an anxious-preoccupied attachment style (20.9 %) and a minority of individuals who have a dismissive-avoidant attachment style (7,7 %). On top of that the research indicated that 60.25 % of respondents have low fear of intimacy while 39.75 % of the respondents have high fear of intimacy. In terms of sociosexual orientation, the results showed that 79.9 % of respondents have restrictive sociosexual orientation and 20.1 % are permissively sociosexual oriented. The analysis showed that there is a statistically positive correlation between fear of intimacy and sociosexual orientation. Individuals with a unsecure attachment style have, on average, a higher level of intimacy fear than individuals with a secure attachment style. The research also suggests that there are statistically significant differences between men and women regarding sociosexual orientation. There are also statistically significant differences between men and women in terms of intimacy fear. There is also a positive correlation between fear of intimacy and permissive sociosexual orientation. |