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Diplomsko delo prikazuje 3D tisk iz različnih UV zamrežljivih smol. Namen naloge je natisniti 3D modele iz različnih smol in jim izmeriti mehanske lastnosti. 3D tiskane smole se razlikujejo glede na čas izpostavitve UV svetlobi. Prav tako je namen ugotoviti vpliv dodatnega utrjevanja natisnjenih vzorcev z njihovo izpostavitvijo UV svetlobi (čas izpostavitve od 0 do 60 minut) na mehanske lastnosti modelov in primerjati eksperimentalne podatke s teoretičnimi. Modeli so natisnjeni v različnih možnih orientacijah (navpična, bočna in ležeča postavitev), da lahko ugotovimo, ali se mehanske lastnosti spremenijo tudi zaradi smeri tiskanja oziroma orientacije modela glede na osnovno ploščo. The thesis shows 3D printing from various UV crosslinkable resins. The purpose of the task is to print 3D models from different resins and measure their mechanical properties. 3D printed resins vary according to the time they are exposed to UV light. The aim is also to determine the influence of additional hardening of the printed samples by exposing them to UV light (exposure time from 0 to 60 minutes) on the mechanical properties of the models and to compare experimental data with theoretical data. The models are printed in different possible orientations (vertical, lateral and landscape) so that we can determine whether the mechanical properties also change due to the direction of printing or the orientation of the model with respect to the base plate. |