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Magistrsko delo obravnava turistično ponudbo in ekološko kmetijstvo v Goriški statistični regiji. Namen dela je raziskati povezanost turistične ponudbe in ekološkega kmetijstva na izbranih ekoloških kmetijah v Goriški statistični regiji ter podati predloge za nadaljnji razvoj kmetij. Ugotovljene značilnosti so med drugim rezultat anketiranja na 50 kmetijah. Povezava med turizmom in ekološkim kmetovanjem se vidi v tem, da turisti radi zahajajo na ekološke kmetije zaradi ekološko pridelane hrane, stika z živalmi, tematskih ogledov, degustacij, miru in narave. Veliko ekoloških kmetij s turistično dejavnostjo vidi potencial v povečanju namestitvenih kapacitet, nekatere ekološke kmetije, ki se doslej s turizmom niso ukvarjale, pa vidijo potencial v razvijanju turizma, a imajo pri tem določene težave, kot so znanje jezika, finance, birokracija in problemi z vodo. This master's thesis discusses tourist offer and organic farming in the Goriška statistical region. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the connection of tourist offer and organic farming on selected organic farms in the Goriška statistical region as well as offer suggestions for future development of farms. The established characteristics are, among other, the result of performing survey on 50 farms. The connection between tourism and organic farming is visible in various ways, namely tourists like to visit organic farms due to organic food offer, contact with animals, thematic tours, tastings, peace and nature. Many owners of organic farms with tourist activity see potential in increasing accommodation facilities. On the other hand, some organic farms, which have not dealt with tourism so far, see potential in development of tourism, but face certain problems in realisation, such as lacking language knowledge, finances, bureaucracy, and problems with water access. |