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Razvoj interneta je prinesel številne spremembe na področju izobraževanja. Izraz e-izobraževanje opredeljuje izobraževalni proces s pomočjo sodobne informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije oziroma interneta. Vse večji pomen pridobivajo elektronski učbeniki (e-učbeniki) oziroma interaktivni učbeniki (i-učbeniki). Velika prednost teh je, da so dostopni ne glede na čas in prostor ter jih lahko uporabljamo na različnih napravah. So cenovno dostopni večjemu številu ljudi in okolju prijaznejši, saj omogočajo enostavno posodabljanje brez odpadnega materiala. Namen diplomskega dela je bil proučiti področje interaktivnih učbenikov in izdelati lastno interaktivno učno enoto o 3D-modeliranju, ki bo študente spodbudila k aktivnemu razmišljanju in aktivnemu sodelovanju z drugimi udeleženci. V teoretičnem delu se osredotočimo na interaktivne učbenike v Sloveniji in opredelimo ključne smernice v razvoju interaktivnih učnih gradiv. V eksperimentalnem delu proučimo in uporabimo ustrezno programsko in strojno opremo. Zasnujemo informacijsko arhitekturo in izdelamo žične modele strani. V programu Bracket oblikujemo izvorno kodo v jezikih HTML in CSS, ki služi kot osnova interaktivne učne enote o 3D-modeliranju. Pripravimo animacije in logotip v naslovni vrstici. Določimo tipografijo, barve in oblike, ki si sledijo skozi celotno učno enoto. Dodamo hiperpovezave na dodatna gradiva in oblikujemo interaktivne gradnike v okolju H5P, ki jih vgradimo v celovito interaktivno učno enoto. Končni rezultat diplomskega dela je interaktivna učna enota o 3D-modeliranju z odzivnim oblikovanjem za računalnike in mobilne telefone. Primerna je za izobraževanje študentov in grafičnih oblikovalcev. The development of the Internet has brought many changes in the field of education. The term e-learning includes education with the help of modern information and communication technology or the Internet. Electronic textbooks (e-textbooks) or interactive textbooks (i-textbooks) are gaining more and more importance. The advantages are that they are accessible regardless of time and space, and can be used on various devices. In addition, they are affordable for more people and are more environmentally friendly, as they allow easy updating without waste of material. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to study the field of interactive textbooks and to create an interactive learning unit on 3D modelling, which will encourage the student to actively think and actively engage with other participants. In the theoretical part, we focused on interactive textbooks in Slovenia, and defined key guidelines in the development of interactive learning materials. In the experimental part, we studied and applied appropriate software and hardware. We designed information architecture and created wireframes. Source code was formed in the Bracket program, using the HTML and CSS languages, that serves as the basis of an interactive learning unit on 3D modelling. We prepared animations and a logo, determined the typography, colours and shapes that were applied throughout the learning unit. We added hyperlinks to additional materials and designed interactive elements with H5P, which were appropriately incorporated into a comprehensive interactive learning unit. The final result is an interactive learning unit on 3D modelling, with responsive design for computers and mobile phones, suitable for the education of students and graphic designers. |