
Autor: Božičko, Aljaž
Přispěvatelé: Kurnik, Andrej
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Ob prihodu na družboslovni faks sem želel najti teorijo človeka, ki mi bo omogočala gotovost, saj kako delati teorije družbe, če nimaš kvalitetne teorije posameznika? Kvalitetne teorije človeka nisem našel, sem pa sčasoma oblikoval teoretski model ter epistemologijo, ki se temu še najbolj približata, ne ker bi bili neizpodbitni, pač pa, ker mi omogočata večjo preciznost ob pregledu in gradnji teorij. Prav tako verjamem, da mi omogoča večjo mero vpogleda kot katerakoli do sedaj seznanjena epistemologija, kar je še posebno res na področju razumevanja človeka, kjer se nekatera znanstvena področja odpovedo teoriji zavesti ter jo nadomestijo s statistiko ali diagnozo zavesti, kar je uporabno, vendar za razumevanje preučevanega nezadovoljivo. Gematognozo ter z njo povezano teorijo nagnetene osebnosti uporabljam že leta, vendar sem jo želel predstaviti še ostalim in jo primerjati z ostalimi epistemologijami, tako da bi bralec lažje presojal med njimi. To sem storil skozi iskanje analiz ostalih epistemologij, analiz na njih osnovanih znanosti in primerjavo z lastno epistemologijo. Moja želja je, da sem področje analiziral dovolj dobro, da bo bralec želel gematognozo preizkusiti, prirediti ali vsaj zavreči s kar se da dobrimi argumenti. Menjava epistemologije zahteva ogromno truda, vendar če nič drugega bi rekel, da gematognoze niti pod razno ne bi želel menjati, četudi bi bil seveda nemudoma pripravljen preizkusiti novo epistemologijo, v kolikor bi mi obetala več. Preostanek življenja si želim živeti skozi vednost, ki mi omogoča kar se da veliko vznemirjenja in kar se da malo obžalovanja. At my arrival to the faculty of social sciences I wanted to make a theory of a human that would allow me a feeling of certainty. How does one create a theory of a society if one lacks a decent theory of an individual? I could not find a good enough theory of a human, but I did manage to create a theoretical model and an epistemology that is quite close to my desires, not because they would be irrefutable, but because they allow me more precision in my inspection and creation of theories. I also believe it allows me a higher degree of insight than any to me known epistemology so far, which is especially true in my understanding of a person, where some scientific fields do not establish a theory of consciousness and replace it with statistics or diagnosis of consciousness, which is useful but unsatisfactory for understanding of what is being studied. I have been using gematognosis and to it related theory of crowded personality for years, but I wanted to present it to others and compare it to other epistemologies so that the reader would have an easier time to compare them. I did this through my search for analyses of other epistemologies, analyses of sciences based upon them and a comparison with my own epistemology. I wish to have been able to analyse the field well enough for the reader to want to test the gematognosis, adjust it or at least discard it with as convincing arguments as possible. To change epistemology requires a tremendous amount of effort, but if nothing else I would say that I would not want to discard gematognosis, even if I would of course immediately be ready to try a new epistemology if it would look more promising. I would like to live the rest of my life through knowledge that allows me as much excitement and as little regret as possible.
Databáze: OpenAIRE