Razvoj in implementacija diferenciala z vektorskim usmerjanjem navora za formulo študent

Autor: Brglez, Luka
Přispěvatelé: Oman, Simon
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: V tem delu je opisan in testiran model vektorskega usmerjanja navora, ki se uporablja na električnem dirkalniku Tabaluga ekipe Superior engineering Formule študent v Ljubljani. Povod za razvoj modela je trenutno delovanje formule, ki enakomerno razporeja navor na pogonski kolesi. Posledično prej pride do zdrsa koles in izgube časa na dinamičnih panogah tekmovanja. V delu je najprej predstavljeno fizikalno ozadje problema z izpeljavo in razlago fizikalnih enačb, na katerih temelji sistem krmiljenja navora, sledi jim predstavitev modela vozila, ki je uporabljen v okolju Simulink za simulacijo voznih sistemov. Nato je podrobneje opisan model vektorskega krmiljenja navora, ki je integriran v simulacijski sistem in se po pretvorbi programskega jezika uporablja na fizičnem dirkalniku formule študent. Na koncu so predstavljeni in primerjani rezultati fizičnega testa voznih karakteristik formule brez in z uporabo sistema krmiljenja navora. Rezultati meritev z vklopljenim sistemom so nato primerjani še s simulacijo. This work contains an explanation and a test of a model of torque vectoring system used in the electrical race vehicle Tabaluga, used by the team Superior Engineering from University of Ljubljana to compete in the Formula student competition. The reason for the development of this model is the current operating of the formula, where torque is equally distributed to the rear wheels. This causes the wheels to slip faster, and a time loss in the dynamic disciplines of the competition. This work firstly presents theoretical background of the problem with corresponding equations. Then the vehicle model is presented in the program Simulink, which is used to simulate driving scenarios. After that, the detailed model of torque vectoring system is presented. This system is integrated in the physical controlling system of the formula student racing vehicle after the code is translated to the right form. At the end, the results of the physical testing of the formula are presented and compared with and without the usage of the system. Lastly, a comparison is made between the measured results and results of the simulation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE