Odvisnost od ljubezenskih razmerij v sodobnem romanu

Autor: Verbič, Irena
Přispěvatelé: Zupan Sosič, Alojzija, Kos, Matevž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: V diplomskem delu sem predstavila odnose med spoloma v dveh slovenskih in dveh tujih romanih. Interdisciplinarno raziskovanje je zaobjelo področja feminizma, postmodernizma, spolne identitete, sociologije, sociologije kulture, psihologije, antropologije in filozofije. Predstavila sem dojemanje položaja ženske v sodobni družbi in v odnosu do moškega. Osredotočila sem se na ljubezenske odnose med spoloma in opazovala, ali so znotraj njih prisotne odvisnosti od odnosov. S pomočjo primerjalne analize sem predstavila, kako se v različnih obdobjih spreminjajo predstave o moških in ženskah, odnosih in družinah. Ugotovila sem, da se v odnosih med literarnimi osebami kažejo težnje po spreminjanju tradicionalnih odnosov in družin, ki jih obravnavajo sociološke študije. Poleg tendenc literarnih likov, da bi našli zadovoljujoče partnersko razmerje, se pojavljajo tudi odvisnosti od odnosov, ki jih ni možno pripisati določenemu spolu ali obdobju, v katerem se razmerje odvija. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the forms of male-female relationships in two Slovene and two foreign language novels. The interdisciplinary approach used in the thesis includes the fields of feminism, postmodernism, gender identity, sociology, cultural sociology, psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. The study investigates how female authors perceive the role of women in contemporary societies, and their relation to the male gender. The author highlights the forms of male-female love relationships, and examines whether any relationship dependencies are present in the discussed novels. Comparative anal ysis is applied in order to investigate how notions of gender roles, relationships and the concept of family are transformed throughout different periods of time. It can be concluded that tendencies to change the traditional family and relationship forms are apparent in the studied relationships between the novel characters. These have also been discussed in various sociological studies. In addition to the tendency of novel characters to find a satisfying relationship, a tendency towards dependence on relationship is also present. These can neither be attributed to the gender, nor the biological sex or the time period, in which the relationships take place.
Databáze: OpenAIRE