Primerjava Ovidijevih Metamorfoz in Ransmayrjevega Poslednjega sveta

Autor: Vombek, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Snoj, Vid
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Diplomsko delo temelji na primerjavi antičnega dela Metamorfoze s postmodernim romanom Poslednji svet. Namen mojega dela je bilo raziskati temeljne razlike in podobnosti zgodb, katere je Christoph Ransmayr prevzel od Ovidija. Diplomsko delo sem razdelila na tri dele. Prvi del je obsegal Ovidijevo življenje, opis antike, opis Metamorfoz in na kratko opisati zgodbe, ki se pojavijo tudi pri Ranymarju. Ta del je temeljil predvsem na preučevanju Metamorfoz. V drugem delu sem opisala Ransmayrjevo življenje, ki je sicer predstavljen bolj na kratko, saj o njegovem zasebnem življenju ni veliko podatkov. Nadaljnje sem opisala roman Poslednji svet in obdobje, v katerem je roman nastal, postmodernizem. Omenjeni del je temeljil predvsem na preučevanju Poslednjega sveta. V tretjem delu sem s pomočjo empirične analize poskušala primerjati obe deli ter najti razlike in podobnosti med njima. Prišla sem do ugotovitve, da Ransmayr ohrani vse Ovidijeve osebe, lasnosti in njihove preobrazbe. Hrkati v roman vpelje tudi lik Ovidija kot "nevidnega" protagonista romana. Ransmayrjev osrednji namen je bilo verzno obliko Ovidijevih zgodb zapisati v prozo in njegove preobrazbe narediti mogoče v današnjem sodobnem svetu. Thesis is based on comparison of ancient work Metamorphoses with postmodern novel The Last World. The main purpose of my work was to explore fundamental differences and similarities in the stories which Christoph Ransmayr took over Ovid. Thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is consisted of Ovid' life, description of antiquity, description of Metamorphoses and a brief description of the stories which also occurs in Ransmayr's The Last World. This part is mainly based on the study of Metamorphoses. In the second part I described Ransmayr's life, which is written briefly, because there are not a lof of data of his private life. Futher I described the novel The Last World and postmodernism, which is the period when the novel was written. This part is mainly based on the study of the novel The Last World. In the third, the last part I used empirical analysis, which was used to find differences and similarities between these them. My conclusion is that Ransmayr retains all persons and their transromations. He also introduce Ovid as "invisible" character. Ransmayr's main purpose was to write Ovid's stories in prose and his transformations make possible in today's modern world.
Databáze: OpenAIRE