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Diplomska naloga predstavlja večkriterijski model odločanja, ki ga uporabimo v primeru renovacije in spremembe namembnosti izbranega objekta – pomožnega objekta in grajske okolice v Logatcu. Za renovacijo objekta smo predlagali tri možne rešitve, medtem ko za namembnost parka le turizem in prosti čas.. Občina Logatec je namreč sprejela Odlok o občinskem lokacijskem načrtu, kjer so določeni dovoljeni posegi v omenjen prostor. Poleg stroškovne analize smo v modelu upoštevali tudi trajanje del in funkcionalnost objekta. V zaključku naloge je argumentirana izbrana rešitev. This thesis represents a multi-criteria method, which is used in a case of renovation and change of use of selected facility – auxiliary facility and castle surroundings in Logatec. For renovation of auxiliary facility we suggested three possible solutions, and for surrounding areas we suggested arrangement for tourism and free time activity. The Municipality of Logatec has adopted the Ordinance on municipal location plan where there is determined which interventions in the mentioned area are permitted. Besides working costs we have taken into consideration also the duration of renovation and the functionality of facility. In the conclusion of this thesis we recommend the most favorable possibility and argue it. |