Problem tragične izbire v primerih pomanjkanja medicinskih resursov

Autor: Čebašek, Dalija
Přispěvatelé: Ambrož, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: V primerih pomanjkanja medicinskih resursov se zdravstveno osebje srečuje s tragičnimi izbirami, komu od pacientov pomagati oziroma na kakšen način alocirati sredstva. Zaradi pomanjkanja morajo izvesti triažiranje pacientov, pri tem pa se zastavlja vprašanje, katera merila naj bodo upoštevana. Zdravnik, ki določeni osebi zaradi pomanjkanja resursov ne pomaga, zaradi načela, da od nikogar ne moremo pričakovati nemogočega, ne izvrši kaznivega dejanja, temveč pride v poštev institut upravičljive kolizije dolžnosti, ki izključuje protipravnost. Drugačne pa so situacije tako imenovane ex post konkurence, ko medicinski resurs potrebujeta tako pacient, ki sredstvo že uporablja kot tisti, ki nanj še čaka. Merila triaže niso zakonsko urejena, do določenih zaključkov lahko pridemo na podlagi ustavnopravnih načel in etičnih teorij - deontologije in utilitarizma. Pravo načeloma izhaja iz deontološke zaveze prepovedi tehtanja življenj. Ena od možnih rešitev je, da takšne težke etične situacije izvzamemo iz pravnega urejanja in apliciramo koncept prava prostega prostora. Vsekakor pa bi določene smernice zdravniškemu osebju olajšale odločitve, v prihodnosti morda celo s pomočjo umetne inteligence. In cases of scarce medical resources, medical staff is faced with tragic choices about which patient to help and how to allocate resources, and this arises the question as to which criteria should be considered in making these choices. Doctor who does not help a certain person because of scarce resources, does not commit a crime, due to the principle that we cannot expect the impossible. Into play comes the institute of justified collision of duty, which excludes illegality. However, the situations of so-called ex post collisions are different, when the medical resource is needed by both the patient who is already using the device and the one who is still waiting for it. The criteria of triage are not regulated by law, however certain conclusions can be reached on the basis of constitutional principles and ethical theories - deontology and utilitarianism. The law in principle derives from the deontological commitment that prohibits weighing of lives. One of the possible solutions is to exclude such difficult ethical situations from legal regulation and apply the concept of lawless space. In any case, certain guidelines would make it easier for medical staff to make decisions, perhaps even with the help of artificial intelligence in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE