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Izdelali smo prototip tokovnega integratorja za potrebe laboratorija z ionskimi žarki na Mikroanalitskem centru odseka F2 Instituta ”Jožef Stefan". V laboratoriju Mi- kroanalitskega centra in v drugih podobnih laboratorijih po tujini so ena najpo- gostejših materialnih žrtev elektrostatskih prebojev tokovni integratorji, ki služijo za merjenje prejete ionske doze na eksperimentalnih tarčah. Navadno gre za NIM modul Ortec 439, kjer nenadni tokovni sunki poškodujejo vhodni tranzistor. Naš električno funkcionalni prototip je zasnovan tako, da je ranljivi tokovni vhod moč enostavno in poceni menjati. Nato smo ga uporabili v preprosti fizikalni meritvi: izmerili smo zaporni tok skozi večjo usmerniško diodo, ki je stekel, ko smo diodo izpostavili intenzivnemu polju sevanja gama. We constructed a prototype of a current integrator for the needs of the ion beam laboratory at the Microanalitc centre of the F2 department of the Jožef Stefan In- stitute. In the Microanalytical Instrumental Centre and other similar laboratories abroad, some of the most common victims of electrical discharge are precision current integrators that serve for measurements of deposited ion beam dose on experimental targets. Usually, these integrators are Ortec 439 NIM modules, where sudden dis- charge transients damage the input transistor. Our electrically functional prototype is designed such that the vulnerable current input stage becomes a cheap and easily replaceable plug-in module. We used it in a simple physical experiment: We mea- sured the minute electrical current through a large diode while it has been exposed to gamma-rays. |