Razumevanje sekularne dobe pri Charlesu Taylorju kot napetost med imanenco in transcendenco

Autor: Muršič Klenar, Matjaž
Přispěvatelé: Jamnik, Anton
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Disertacija Razumevanje sekularne dobe pri Charlesu Taylorju kot napetost med imanenco in transcendenco obravnava razumevanje sekularizacije, kot ga v svoji misli poda kanadski filozof Charles Taylor. Osredotočamo se predvsem na napetost, ki v sekularni dobi nastane med zgolj imanentnim razumevanjem resničnosti, dobrega in smisla ter različnimi vzgibi, ki jih človek doživlja v svojem življenju in mu kažejo na presežnost – transcendenco. Ob analizi splošnih teorij sekularizacije podamo Taylorjev izvirni pogled na sekularno dobo, ki se posebej osredotoča na spremenjene pogoje verovanja. Začetke teh sprememb Taylor postavi v čas reforme, ko se po njegovem odstranijo braniki pred nevero: odčaranje sveta, premik od skupnosti k posamezniku, umik antistrukture, premik od predstave časa kot kairos v predstavo kot kronos, ter premik iz pogleda, ki razume stvarstvo kot kozmos v pogled, ki ga razume kot vesolje, torej tehnično. To ima za posledico vzpostavitev modernega moralnega reda in ekskluzivnega humanizma, ki svet zapreta v imanentni okvir. Ta je na videz zaprt za transcendenco. Taylor pokaže, da sekularna doba ni zaprta za transcendenco, ampak se zaradi spremenjenih pogojev vere odprejo tudi nove možnosti religijskih in svetovnonazorskih pogledov, ki so po njegovem v sekularni dobi enakopravni. Posledica pluralnosti v sekularni dobi je, da je posameznikovo stališč, naj bo utemeljeno na presežnem ali sekularnem, nenehno izzvano. To vodi človeka na pot iskanja, v katerem se odpirajo nove poti, oziroma nove oblike, ki vodijo do presežnega. Novi prostor presežnega se odpira v izkustvu čudenja in lepote, ter znotraj obrednosti in skupnosti. Občutje, ki ga vzbudi napetost prek naštetih vzgibov, ki jih doživlja, se na najbolj celostni način uresniči prav znotraj skupnosti, kjer človek doživlja presežno prek skupnega dobrega, socialnega vidika medsebojne odgovornosti in dialoga. Ob aplikaciji Taylorjeve teorije sekularizacije na konkretno družbo in izzive Cerkve pokažemo, da je pri novih oblikah duhovnih iskanj (preseganje zgolj imanentnega), vidik občestvenosti, socialne razsežnosti in dialoga tisti, ki se dopolnjuje v poudarkih papeža Frančiška, ko govori o pomenu vesoljnega bratstva. The dissertation Understanding of the Secular Age by Charles Taylor as a Tension Between Immanence and Transcendence deals with the concept of secularization according to the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor. It mainly focuses on the tension that emerges in the secular age between the merely immanent understanding of reality, goodness and meaning, and the various impulses that people experience in life which reveal transcendence. Taylor’s original perspective on the secular age, which focuses particularly on the changing conditions of belief, is presented by analyzing the general theories of secularization. Taylor traces back the origins of these changes to the Reform, when, according to him, the obstacles to unbelief were removed: the disenchantment of the world, the shift from communities to individuals, the removal of anti-structure, the shift of the concept of time from kairos to chronos, and the shift of the concept of genesis from cosmos to universe, in mechanistic terms. This results in the creation of the Modern Moral Order and exclusive humanism that lock the world in the immanent frame, which seemingly closes the transcendent window. Taylor shows that the secular age is not closed to transcendence, as the changing conditions of belief also open up new options for religious worldviews, which are equal in the secular age. The consequence of pluralism in the secular age is that the position of individuals – be it transcendental or secular – is continuously challenged. This guides people to the search for a path, where different directions or new forms open up that lead to transcendence. A new place for transcendence unlocks with the experience of awe and beauty as well as within ritual acts and community. The feeling, caused by tension through the listed impulses that people experience, realizes itself in the most holistic way within the community, where one experiences transcendence through the common good, the social aspect of mutual responsibility, and dialogue. Applying Taylor's theory of secularization to our society and to the challenges of the Church shows that with different types of spiritual practices (beyond the merely immanent), the aspect of communion, social dimension, and dialogue complements Pope Francis' emphasis on the importance of universal brotherhood.
Databáze: OpenAIRE