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Diplomsko delo je namenjeno učiteljem Tehnike v osnovnih šolah in študentom Tehnike pri načrtovanju inovativnih, drugačnih učnih ur ob uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij in induktivnih metod poučevanja. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena okvirna postavitev oddaljenega laboratorija za izobraževalne namene na podlagi računalnika Raspberry Pi. Predstavljene so uporabljene strojne komponente, računalnik Raspberry Pi, pogosto uporabljene periferne naprave in čutilniki ter povezava računalnika s spletom s pomočjo mobilnih podatkov. Opisana je popularna programska podpora za računalnik Raspberry Pi, operacijski sistem Raspbian, programski jezik Python in uporaba podatkovne baze za zbiranje merskih podatkov. Diplomsko delo vsebuje raziskavo uporabe računalnika Raspberry Pi v izobraževanju po svetu in umestitev tematike v slovenski izobraževalni sistem. Čisto na koncu je razložen potek sodobnega izobraževalnega procesa in pojem oddaljenega laboratorija. Predstavljen je okvirni načrt povezave računalnika Raspberry Pi s spletom preko mobilnih podatkov, zajem merskih podatkov preko podatkovne baze in uporaba primernih čutilnikov za merjenje. Diplomsko delo pušča odprtih še nekaj vprašanj za možno nadaljnjo raziskavo. The thesis is intended for teachers in junior high school and students of technology education in planning innovational and different learning lessons using information and communication technologies and inductive methods. In thesis is represented an indicative layout of the remote laboratory for educational purposes on the basis of the Raspberry Pi computer. Thesis features used hardware components for this theme, Raspberry Pi computer, its development and commonly used peripheral devices connected to it. It also presents a way of connecting computer with internet via mobile data connection. Next it presents software used in this project, which is represented by commonly used software for Raspberry Pi computer, like operating system Raspbian, Python programming language and use of database for gathering measured data. The thesis also explores the use of Raspberry Pi computer in education around the world and offers an indicative integration of the project into Slovenian educational system. The end presents the modern process of education and explains the concept of remote laboratory. Thesis features an indicative plan connecting Raspberry Pi computer to the internet via mobile data connection, gathering measured data with database and use of sensors as peripheral devices. Thesis leaves some questions open for possible further research. |