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Spolna zloraba je nekaj, kar se dogaja v vsakdanu, v vsaki družbi in kulturi. Žrtvi pusti hude dolgotrajne posledice, s katerimi se je težko spopadati. V svoji diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala lasten proces okrevanja po razkritju spolne zlorabe, ki sem jo preživela s strani družinskega člana. Diploma vsebuje osnovne informacije o tem, kaj je spolna zloraba, kaj je incest, kakšne so značilnosti družin, v katerih se spolna zloraba dogaja, ter kakšni so znaki in posledice spolne zlorabe. V raziskavi je uporabljen avtobiografski pristop, pri tem so raziskane posledice spolne zlorabe, kakšne posledice je pustilo nerazumevanje s strani matere ter ostalih družinskih članov in kakšne strategije preživetja je preživela razvila skozi življenje. Poudarek je na tem, kako je potekal proces okrevanja. Sexual abuse is something that happens in everyday life, in every society and culture. It leaves the victim with severe long-term consequences that are difficult to deal with. In my dissertation, I explored my own recovery process after the disclosure of sexual abuse I had endured by a family member. The graduation thesis contains basic information on what is sexual abuse, what is incest, what are the characteristics of the families in which sexual abuse occurs and what are the signs and consequences of sexual abuse. An autobiographical approach was used in the study, exploring the consequences of sexual abuse and what consequences were incomprehensibly related by other and other family members in what strategy they survived through life. The focus is on how the recovery process went. |