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Nenehna grožnja piratov je krepko posegla v varno plovbo na določenih območjih po svetu. Mednje spadata tudi Somalija in Adenski zaliv. Najbolj intenzivno piratsko obdobje je zaradi združenja in ukrepanja številnih držav po svetu v boju proti piratstvu na območju Afriškega roga mimo, a grožnja ostaja. Zato je pomembno, da se vsi sprejeti varnostni ukrepi in določila za preprečevanje piratskih napadov še naprej strogo izvajajo. Proti-piratske operacije izrazito prispevajo k ohranjanju varnega prehoda čez območje tveganja. Kljub vsemu pa je bistvenega pomena, da se ladja ob prihodu na določeno območje dnevno javlja centru za sporočanje ter da izvaja ukrepe za zaščito ladje. Zasebno pogodbeno varnostno oboroženo osebje je na nekaterih ladjah prisotno, na drugih ne, vendar je to postala sprejeta praksa, ki pa ne dovoljuje, da bi zaradi tega ladijska posadka manj dosledno izvajala varnostne ukrepe za samozaščito ladje. The constant threat of pirates has greatly endangered safe sea passage in certain areas around the world. Among those areas are Somalia and the Gulf of Aden. Pirate activity around the Horn of Africa has greatly declined because of the coalitions and actions of many countries around the world, but the danger still exists. Thus, it is very important that all the accepted security measures and regulations for deterring pirate attacks are still strictly followed. Anti-piracy operations greatly contribute to safe passage in the area. Nevertheless, it is of great importance that the ship, once it enters the area, sends daily reports to the control centre and that it takes actions for better on-board security. Private armed security personnel are present on some ships but not on others however, it has become common practice. Nevertheless, it does not relieve the ship’s crew of following the procedures for ensuring the security of the ship. |