Gibljivi simulator vožnje z električnimi aktuatorji in tremi prostostnimi stopnjami

Autor: Ušeničnik, Luka
Přispěvatelé: Ambrož, Miha
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Diplomsko delo obravnava razvoj gibljivega simulatorja vožnje s tremi prostostnimi stopnjami. V uvodu diplomskega dela smo raziskali trg programske opreme za simulacijo vožnje in krmiljenje platform. Opravili smo pregled obstoječih sistemov z gibljivo platformo in primerjali njihove prednosti in slabosti ter cene. Namen diplomskega dela je bil razvoj električnih aktuatorjev, ki omogočajo okvirju simulatorja gibanje v treh prostostnih stopnjah. Predstavili smo razvoj električnih aktuatorjev in okvirja ter izvedli meritve pospeškov, ki delujejo na voznika, ki smo jih nato primerjali s teoretičnimi vrednostmi in ugotovili določene omejitve platforme, in sicer vzdrževanje pospeška med zavijanjem in pospeševanjem ter zaviranjem. V zaključku smo predstavili še tržni potencial projekta in primernost simulatorja za različne situacije in predstavili kratek povzetek delovanja in napotke za uporabo ter načrte za nadaljnje delo. The final thesis discusses the development of a motion driving simulator with three degrees of freedom. In the introduction we researched the market of driving simulation and platform controlling software. We reviewed the existing systems with a motion platform and compared their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their prices. The purpose of the thesis was to develop electric actuators that enable the simulator frame to move with three degrees of freedom. We presented the development of the electric actuators and of the frame. We measured the accelerations that affect the driver these measurements were then compared with the theoretical values, thus determining certain limitations of the platform, namely maintaining acceleration during turns, when accelerating and when braking. In the conclusion we also presented the project's market potential, the simulator's suitability for different situations, and a short summary of its operation, instructions for use, and plans for future work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE