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Vojaško sodelovanje Evropske unije še nikoli ni bilo tako aktualna tema, kot je to postalo ob napadu Rusije na Ukrajino. Zametki takega sodelovanja so obstajali že od začetkov Evropske unije, vendar pa je napredek, ki smo mu bili priča zadnjih nekaj let, ogromen. Novo krizno žarišče na vzhodni meji Evropske unije je vojaško sodelovanje v regiji še poglobilo in pospešilo. Kljub temu da so bojne skupine zelo dober poizkus integracije in sodelovanja oboroženih sil držav članic Evropske unije in prvi korak k skupni evropski vojski, pa smo sedaj z napovedjo o formiranju zmogljivosti za hitro premeščanje sil (EU Rapid Deployment Capacity) temu bližje kot kadarkoli. Države članice pa so v podobnih oblikah sodelovanja, kot so Francosko-britanske združene ekspedicijske sile, Združene ekspedicijske sile, Francosko-nemška brigada in Evropska intervencijska iniciativa, pokazale, da so zmožne in pripravljene uspešno sodelovati na področju mednarodnega vojaškega sodelovanja. V magistrskem delu analiziram aktualno sodelovanje na obrambnem področju znotraj Evropske unije, prispevek Slovenije pri omenjenem sodelovanju in možnosti morebitnega razvoja skupne evropske vojske v prihodnje. The military integration in the European Union has never been such a topical issue as it has become with Russia's attack on Ukraine. The seeds of such integration have existed since the very beginnings of the European Union, but the progress we have witnessed in the last few years is enormous. The new crisis on the eastern border of the European Union has deepened and accelerated military integration in region. Despite the fact that the Battlegroups of the European Union are a very good first step towards integration and cooperation of the armed forces of the member states of the European Union and the first step towards a common European army, we are now closer to this than ever - with the announcement of the formation of the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity. The countries of the European Union have shown - in similar forms of cooperation, such as the Franco-British Joint Expeditionary Force, the Joint Expeditionary Force, the Franco-German Brigade and the European Intervention Initiative, that they are capable and ready to cooperate successfully in the field of international military cooperation. In my master thesis I analyze military cooperation in European union, contribution of Slovenia in that process and future development of military cooperation and forming of European army. |