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Diplomsko delo je raziskovalo prihodnost našega bivalnega okolja. Bivalno okolje prihodnosti je bilo opredeljeno tako v formalnem smislu, kakor tudi v kontekstu odnosov med bivalnim okoljem in najbolj aktualnimi globalnimi problemi. Delo temelji na izhodiščih Emilia Ambazsa, ki jih je napisal za italijanske oblikovalce leta 1972 za razstavo Italy: The new domestic landscape v Muzeju moderne umetnosti v New Yorku. Rezultat tega diplomskega dela je interpretacija bivalnega okolja v prihodnosti s pomočjo sodobnih metod oblikovanja in ponovnim razmislekom v okviru postavljenih omejitev ob petdeseti obletnici omenjene razstave. The bachelor thesis has explored the future of our domestic landscape. The domestic landscape of the future has been defined in a formal sense as well as in the context of relationships between the domestic landscape and the current global problems. The thesis is based on the brief from Emilio Ambazs, who wrote it for Italian designers in 1972 for the exhibition Italy: The new domestic landscape in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The result of this bachelor thesis is my interpretation of the domestic landscape of the future with the aid of modern design methods considering the imposed limitations at the 50th anniversary of the previously mentioned exhibition. |