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Prostorsko načrtovanje je sestavni del urejanja prostora in z načrtovanjem prostorskih ureditev stremi k skladnemu prostorskemu razvoju ob hkratnem usklajevanju različnih potreb in interesov v prostoru. Prostorske ureditve državnega pomena načrtuje država in so praviloma podane v variantah. V študiji variant se predlagane rešitve ovrednoti in medsebojno primerja s prostorskega, varstvenega, ekonomskega in funkcionalnega vidika ter z vidika sprejemljivosti v lokalnem okolju, rezultat primerjave pa je predlog najustreznejše variante. Pristop za presojo vplivov na razvoj širšega območja je predstavljen na primeru načrtovanih hidroelektrarn na območju mesta Litija, ki so del projekta izgradnje verige hidroelektrarn na reki Savi. Vrednotenje in primerjava temeljita na predvidenih vplivih obeh variant na prostorski razvoj mesta Litija ter družbeni sprejemljivosti posega v lokalnem okolju. Pri vrednotenju je bil upoštevan obseg vplivov na naselja in njihov razvoj, povezave v prostoru, kakovost bivalnega okolja ter turizem, šport in rekreacijo. Ravno tako so bili upoštevani rezultati ankete o sprejemljivosti hidroelektrarn in njihovih posledic med lokalnim prebivalstvom. Sinteza ocen je pokazala, da je varianta s tremi pretočnimi elektrarnami (1) boljša od alternativne različice z derivacijskim rovom (2), saj bo izboljšala razvojne možnosti za mesto in ne bo poslabšala kakovosti bivanja. Spatial planning is an integral part of the successful spatial development and is striving to achieve proportionate spatial development while coordinating different needs and interests in a space. Spatial arrangements of national significance are planned by the government and are generally planned in variants. In a comparative case study, the proposed solutions are evaluated and compared from a spatial, protection, economic and functional point of view, as well as from the perspective of acceptability in the local environment, with the outcome of the comparison which is the proposition of the most adequate option. Approach for the assessment of the impacts on development of the broader area is presented in the case of the planned hydro power plants on the area of the town Litija, which are part of the project of building a chain of hydro power plants on the river Sava. Evaluation and comparison are based on the expected impact of both variants on the spatial development of the town Litija and the social acceptability of the spatial intervention in the local environment. In the evaluation process, a range of impacts on settlements and their development, connections of routes on the area, the quality of the living environment and range of impacts on tourism, sport and recreational areas were taken into account. In the evaluation, it was also taken into account the results of the survey on the acceptability of hydro power plants and the consequences of such spatial intervention among the local population. A synthesis of the ratings showed that the variant with three hydropower plants (1) is more adequate option than the alternative version with derivation hydropower plant (2), as the first version will improve the development potential for the town and will not impair the quality of living. |