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Pomemben del upravljanja večstanovanjskih stavb predstavlja skrb za njihovo vzdrževanje. Za razliko od enostanovanjske stavbe, kjer je odločitev o prenovi ponavadi vezana na enega lastnika je pri večstanovanjskih stavbah odločanje v pristojnosti vseh lastnikov stavbe. Diplomsko delo predstavi pomembnejšo zakonodajo s področja upravljanja večstanovanjskih stavb in pravila, ki jih morajo spoštovati deležniki, da stavbe služijo svojemu namenu. Poudarek je namenjen vzdrževanju večstanovanjskih stavb, ki je pomemben del upravljanja. Predstavljen je večstanovanjski fond v Mestni občini Ljubljana in opisane potrebe po vzdrževanju. Predstavljena je tudi vloga upravnika in etažnih lastnikov v procesu upravljanja in vzdrževanja. Na dejansko izvedenem primeru prenove večstanovanjske stavbe je opisan postopek od odločitve do izvedbe investicije in vloga upravnika pri taki investiciji. Prikazano je zagotavljanje finančnih sredstev za energetsko prenovo stavbe, priprava načrta vzdrževanja, proces odločanja etažnih lastnikov, izbor najugodnejšega ponudnika za izvedbo del in vloga upravnika pri sami izvedbi del. Na koncu je prikazana tudi finančna konstrukcija izvedene prenove in analiza prihrankov pri stroških za ogrevanje stanovanj. Care for the maintenance of apartment buildings represents a significant part of the housing management. Unlike detached houses, where the decision on the renovation is usually tied to a single owner in apartment buildings the decision-making is the responsibility of all the apartment owners. The first part of the thesis is focused on on the presentation of legislation in the field of housing management and rules that need to be respected by apartment owners in order that the building serves its purpose. In the second part of the thesis, housing fund in the City municipality of Ljubljana is presented, together with the maintenance requirements for apartment buildings. The role of the housing manager and apartment owners in the process of management and maintenance of the building is also described. In the third part of the thesis, an example of the apartment building energy renovation is shown. The provision of financial resources for energy renovation of the apartment building are described as well as the preparation of a maintenance plan for the building, the decision-making process of the apartment owners, the process of selecting the contractor of renovation and the role of housing manager in the process. The financial structure of the investment in energy renovation of the apartment building and analysis of the cost savings for residential heating are presented at the end of the thesis. |