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V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni življenje in opus britanskega avtorja Philipa Pullmana ter njegova trilogija z naslovom Njegova temna tvar. Raziskani so vplivi na to delo in recepcija le-tega. V glavnem delu diplomskega dela je poudarek na motivu Prahu iz trilogije Njegova temna tvar. Najprej je opisano, kaj je motiv, in dokazano, da je Prah motiv trilogije Njegova temna tvar, nakar je poudarek na treh vidikih tega motiva. Motiv Prahu je povezan s filozofskimi razpravami Platona, Hegla in Spinoze o materialnosti ter spiritualnosti, prav tako je pojasnjeno, kako je Pullman s pomočjo motiva Prahu v knjigah iz trilogije predstavil lastno filozofijo teh dveh pojmov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljeno, kako je motiv Prahu povezan z ekologijo. Opisani so položaj tega motiva v ciklu življenja, njegova lastnost recikliranja duha in njegov položaj v simbiotskem razmerju dreves z velikimi plodovi ter mulafami, izmišljenimi bitji iz trilogije. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela je v ospredju religiozni vidik motiva Prahu. Predstavljena je povezanost tega z biblijsko zgodbo o padcu človeka in pojasnjeno je, kako in zakaj skozi trilogijo zaradi motiva Prahu izgine negativna konotacija te zgodbe. Na koncu diplomskega dela je še prikazano, kakšno je versko prepričanje, ki ga predstavi trilogija. The undergraduate thesis introduces the life and works of the British author Philip Pullman and his His Dark Materials trilogy. It focuses on the research of works which influenced this trilogy and on the reception of the trilogy. In its main part, the undergraduate thesis focuses on the motif of Dust from the His Dark Materials trilogy. It first defines what motif is and proves that Dust from the trilogy is a motif and then deals with three aspects of this motif. It links the motif of Dust with Plato’s, Hegel’s and Spinoza’s philosophical discussions about matter and spirit and explains how Pullman used the motif of Dust to create his own philosophy of matter and spirit in the books from his trilogy. In its next part, the undergraduate thesis shows how the motif of Dust is connected to ecology. It describes the position that this motif has in the circle of life, its ability to recycle spirit and its position in the symbiotic relationship of trees with large fruits and mulefas, the creatures from the trilogy. In its last part, the undergraduate thesis focuses on the religious aspect of the motif of Dust. It shows how this motif is connected to the story about the fall of man and explains how and why the negative connotation that this story usually holds, slowly disappears through the course of the trilogy with the help of the motif of Dust. Finally the undergraduate thesis also reveals what religious belief is introduced by the trilogy. |