Complementarities and differences in EU and US policies in Northern Europe

Autor: Browning, Christopher S.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of international relations and development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 23-50,103,106, 2003.
ISSN: 1408-6980
Popis: This article analyses the relationship between the European Union's (EU) policy framework for northern Europe, the Northern Dimension Initiative (NDI),and the United States' parallel policy, the Northern European Initiative (NEI). On the one hand, it is noted that these policies share much in common. Of particular note is that both policies lead to a relatively inventive approach to questions of governance and regional co-operation that departs from the confines of modernist understandings of international politics with their focus on questions of state sovereignty. On the other hand, the policies have also exhibited certain and important differences, in particular in their relationship to the issue of North Atlantic Treaty Organisationćs (NATO) enlargement to the Baltic States. Having laid out, explored and tried to account for these similarities and differences, the article then debates what 11 September and the future enlargements of the EU and NATO will entail for the development of the NDI and NEI and the relationship between them. Whilst it is argued that opportunities for further co-operation between the initiatives will probably grow, there is a danger that the innovative aspects of the policies will be lost with the reassertion of the concerns of high politics. Članek analizira razmerje med okvirom politike Evropske Unije (EU) do severne Evrope, t. i. Pobudo za severno dimenzijo (Northern Dimension Initiative - NDI), ter paralelno ameriško politiko, t. i. Pobudo za severno Evropo (Northern European Initiative - NEI). Po eni strani avtor ugotavlja številne podobnosti med obema politikama. Obe namreč vodita k relativno inventivnemu pristopu do vprašanj vodenja/upravljanja (governance) in regionalnega sodelovanja, ki se oddaljuje od modernističnega razumevanja mednarodne politike in njenega osredotočanja na vprašanja državne suverenosti. Po drugi strani politiki kažeta določene pomembne razlike zlasti v odnosu do vprašanja širitve Nata na območje baltskih držav. Ko razkrije, obravnava in poskuša upoštevati te podobnosti in razlike, članek razpravlja o tem, kako bodo 11. september ter prihodnji širitvi EU in Nata učinkovali na razvoj NDI in NEI ter na njuno medsebojno razmerje. Medtem ko avtor predpostavlja, da bo priložnosti za prihodnje sodelovanje med obema pobudama verjetno več, prepoznava tudi nevarnost, da se bodo inovativni vidiki obeh politik izgubili v ponovnem uveljavljanju zahtev 'visoke' politike.
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